Busy day ... did some 'work' ...and enjoyed doing it!

11th May 2017 (Thursday) .... 20.00    ‘The Boy’ has been a busy boy today.... and is a tired one now, and well ready for ‘bed and book’.
'The Toft' from 'The Terrace'.

I got out of bed with the desire to ‘work’ (I must be coming down with a bug) and decided to get rid of the cause of the rust on the from wall of Ivy.   Over breakfast (I’m still on ‘Virgin Porridge) I mulled over ‘plan’ which involved doing a temporary repair just now so that I can paint the wall.    I’ll need to find a couple of galvanised brackets to do the job properly;  until then a, plastic bracket, temporary fix will have to do.    I needed ‘bit’s and pieces’ from B ‘n Q’s, and Horlick’s from Sainsbury’s.     While I was in Sainsbury’s I took ‘time out’ to have a cuppa.:   and even then I was back at ‘Ivy’ by 10.15.;  and rarin’ to go.... but first I’d have a cuppa
The Harbour.
with Jimmy who turned up not long after I’d got the ladder in position.

After Jimmy went away to visit St Monans, I got the ladder back in position  and I set about removing the cause of the rust (an iron bracket),  and replacing it with a plastic one.    Of course the plastic one had ‘nae chance’ of being “iggzactly” the thing for the job, but it has been ‘adapted’.... and does the job admirably, though not ‘prettily’.    Prettiness will come with the galvanised one.    Anyway the rust source has been removed and I should get the front wall painted before the summer.

We had the ‘Drop in Cafe’ this afternoon, which was a perfect way to ‘celebrate’ the
The Terrace from TheToft.
hugely successful morning’s work.    Although quiet at first the ‘Cafe’ soon got going and soon hummin’ like a wasp ‘bike’ that had been given a poke with a stick.    ‘The Boy’s Table’ discussed many subjects, ranging from the medicinal qualities of Buckfast Tonic Wine, through to  President Trump sacking the FBI Director.     We drank a lot of tea.

It was my intention to brush out the rhones this evening but it was too windy earlier, and too cold later (in the evening).     I’ll it first thing in the morning.... assuming it isn’t windy.     Having looked up the weather forecast it is going to be windy .... from the East, and cloudier with the chance of showers.

Photographs : Top – ‘The Toft’ from ‘The Terrace’, Middle – Elie harbour, and Bottom – ‘The Terrace’ from ‘The Toft’.

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