Another lovely morning ....

6th May 2017 (Saturday) .... 08.00    Jing;  we have another “bright and sunny, clear ‘bloo’ sky” morning, but that cold,  exasperating, Northeast wind is still
Elie Bay
with us,  spoiling what would otherwise be really warm day;   it  will be warm .... out of the wind.     That said , winds with East in them are great drying winds;   I might do a washing.

20.30    Rather than ‘do a washing’ I went to Sainsbury’s to do some shopping:  to be honest I’ve been doing washing’s all week;....  there’s hardly anything left to wash.    Anyway I had a happy time in Sainsbury’s, where I bought loads of fruit and other healthy edible stuff;   I’m determined to get “Puku” on a diet, and that means “he is” off biscuits etc.    Having left to go shopping early I was back in Ivy by 09.05.... with plenty of time to get the kettle ‘on’ for Jimmy;  who needs a cuppa after his walk round to ‘Alice’s Seat’.

The Oak House.
Having exhausted ourselves drinking tea and feeding the birds, Jimmy decided to go down to the Sailing Club:   I’d bike along to the Paper Shop’ then go down to the Harbour at a more leisurely pace .... biking into the wind.

The ‘Club’ was fairly busy, with ‘things happening inside (talking)... and,  out on the water’:  there was a yacht coming in ... a jet ski  going out , and folk working on their boats.   I had to walk out to the end of the pier (it was cauld out there) to get some photos of the activity.... then went back to the ‘Club’ to finish my mug o’ tea.
In the afternoon I set off to go to the Harbour again, but, I saw, from the Terrace, that Jimmy’s car wasn’t parked outside the ‘Club’ so I went for a bike through Elie Estate instead.    There’s big progress on the ‘Oak House’;   it’s beginning to look like ‘just another house’ now, with all the oaken framework hidden.    Of course most of the oak
Sailing dingy on Kinneuchar Loch.
will be still be visible inside the house, and become part of the decor.... in fact, I imagine, it might be the  ‘main’ part of the decor.

There was someone sailing a dingy on Kinneuchar Loch this afternoon;  I have seen someone rowing across the loch, but not sailing.... this is a ‘first’ for me.     Whoever it was adept at handling the dingy.... though he (a youth) did scare a few Swans into taking evasive flight a couple of times.

Tomorrow I must remember that it is Sunday:   I have to take the camera up to the kirk to take a few photographs after the Service.     I’ll go along early to see what the ‘plan’ is and to get my ‘plan of action’ into my head.

Photographs : Top – activity on the Bay at Elie, Middle – the “Oak House”, and Bottom – Kinneuchar Loch with dingy.

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