Bonnie .... but not a 'good hair' day ...

30th May 2017 (Tuesday) .... although it is overcast, with occasional spells of light rain, the tide is ‘in’, and the sea is like a ‘mirrah’.... yes I’ve been out (on the
'Flotilla' of Eider duck making for 'Elie harbour.
bike because I can cover more ground that way) got a load of reflection photos from the cliffs to the harbour....  and, I did get caught in one of the wet spells;
but it was worth it.     Actually the sun is going to break through soon so I’ll get out on the bike again;   and get some ‘brighter’ pictures:  it should be ‘bright and sunny’ ....  with showers in the afternoon.

22.30     I’m a happy boy tonight.... having had a reasonably busy and satisfying day.    I got some excellent ‘reflection’ photos in the early part of the day, and some ‘bright and sunny’ ones on the beach later in the morning.   We have had a lovely day, which is ending with a gorgeous, if breezy, evening.    The ‘troops’ Jim and Jimmy have been
Quiet harbour.
down for our weekly Tuesday evening ‘meeting’;   when we discuss things local... and sometimes, but rarely, things political.   The General Election is on the 8th June, which means we have another eight days of empty promises.    Having a Postal Vote I have already voted, so don’t have to bother about listening to any more of the repetitive ‘waffle’.

In the early part of the afternoon I baked ‘Melting Moments.   Jimmy arrived as the first batch came out of the oven, so we had a cuppa ... and an ‘MM’.... before we went to Leven to buy a battery operated can opener for Jimmy.    That was the only ‘shopping’ we did .... which is unusual.   We didn’t even bother with a cuppa in Sainsbury’s.    That is even mair unusual!

My ‘plan’ for tomorrow, is to be ‘out’ early, if the wind has dropped overnight, which it
The beach.
is forecast to do.  I will do the same run as I did this morning, plus Elie Estate, which I didn’t do this morning because it started to rain.    The weather forecast for tomorrow is ‘good’:  a mix of sunshine and clouds.    I don’t have to worry about lunch as we have the Lite Lunch in Colinsburgh Town Hall at 12.30.

I will get orf to bed now .... I started a new book a couple of nights ago and it is one of those kind that is hard to put down ....and I’m planning to get ‘up’ early!

Photographs : Top – a ‘flotilla’ of Eider heading for Elie Harbour, Middle – quiet Elie harbour, and Bottom – The beach at midday. 

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