Another beautiful morning ....

18th May 2017 (Drop in Cafe Day) .... 08.00    we have a bonnie morning, a mix of clouds and sun just now, but  showers could develop later.    I have a washing
West end of Earlsferry.
out... so I’m hoping that ‘later’ is after the washing is dry.

I’ve been ‘up’ since 05.20... and was up to Chapel Green before 06.00.     There was a bonnie ‘light’ about, the tide was ‘in’ and there was hardly any wind .... perfect conditions for ‘reflection’ photos.   I’ll be up there with the Canon tomorrow morning.... if the weather is agreeable.

20.30     It seems a long time since this morning .... in point of fact it is a long time since I got out of bed;  which is, most likely, why I feel tired.    I have had a ‘productive’ day....  if  detaching weeds from planet Earth could be called ‘productive’.     Tomorrow is ‘broon bucket’ day and it can never go out empty!    I also pruned a flowering currant bush, and found a “foggy toddler’s” (Carder bee) nest;  they are not bothersome insects so I’ll leave it: 
Chapel Green path.
had it been a wasp nest it would have had to go.

The Drop in Cafe had a steady stream of customers, this afternoon.... with a contented buzz about the hall.    The ‘Cafe’ breaks off at the end of June for the summer holiday .... we’ll miss it for the few weeks it’s ‘off’.  That said the ‘Coffee Morning’ season is starting, with the Guild one in the Kirk Hall on Saturday.    I may have to go to the kirk on Sunday to get a ‘pew leaflet’ with the  “CM” dates.     I must remember to get some ‘bed time reading’ books on Saturday:   Gareth is i/c book stall so I’ll have a good browse.

The “Oak House” and it’s neighbour are making good progress, with both of them encased in the ‘breather membrane’  that is fitted before the stone/brick cladding that will complete the outside of the houses.    There are another two houses to be built on
Kincraig Cliffs, Earlsferry,
this site.

My ‘plan’ is to get orf to bed early, and get ‘up’ early tomorrow morning;   the weather forecast for tomorrow is good, ... unfortunately Saturday’s is not.   The Coffee Morning on Saturday will brighten up any dour weather we might get.

Photographs : Top – Morning sunlight on the West end of Earlsferry (The Royal Burgh), Middle- part of the Chapel green path, and Bottom – Kincraig cliffs.   The Kincraig, (Earlsferry) ‘chain-walk’ goes along the bottom of the cliffs.    

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