Feeling 'frolicsome' ....

25th February 2022 (Friday)     07.30 .... We have a beautiful morning, in

Marjory and Myra, two of the Church walking group.

fact the forecast is for us to have ‘sunny intervals with a moderate breeze’ today;  a good drying day, so I have a washing going through.     We had a quiet sunrise, with hardy a cloud in the sky.   I didn’t go to the beach (busy getting the washing machine organised) but I saw it from the front gate.   The ‘plan’ is to go up to Elie mid morrrrrrrrning, to catch the ‘Trinity walkers’ and to hand in a prescription.     The air is cool just now, but the sun will soon warm it up by lunch time, so I’ll get the bike out.

21.00     It’s been a cracker of a Spring like day;  and not nearly as windy as the past few days.   I went to Elie in the morning and finally got photographs of the ‘Kirk walkers’ coming up The Toft, from the seats at the Terrace.   It has been a cracker of a day for walking.... and working.

About 20 years ago Maggie decided to plant a bit of Ivy in the middle of the garden outside the Hutte, so I put in two posts and a section of trellis for it to grow up.   This was rather than have Ivy on the actual cottage.    This worked perfectly;  and we kept the Ivy trimmed back .... just like a bit of hedge.   ‘Blob’ and wife quite often use it for nesting in.    Anyway, in the past five years or so the Ivy has taken to rapid growth, throwing trailers out more or less all the year round.   Last night I dreamt that it had reached the Cottage and was starting beginning to creep all over it.   This was a nightmare!    Today I hit the Ivy, cutting every trailer (there is one thing about ivy, it is easy to prune) and the ‘broon’ bucket is full of ivy trailers and trimmings.   I assume this change in growth habit has been brought on by ‘global warming’;  it certainly never used to grow like this in winter.   'Blob' enjoyed snacking on the many, and various insects that I disturbed.

 I took a turn up to Chapel Green (on the bike) just before lunch;  I had intended going further but the bike battery was low, so it had to be put in on charge before doing all that work.   Chapel Green was busy with walkers, and I met Valeria and Peter on their way home after their morning walk.   It was great chatting to them.

Well.... I must say that I have enjoyed today, what a difference a warm and sunny day

makes.  It has been a great day for gardening... and, a brilliant drying day....  the washing dried in ‘nae time’.    Mind you, all this work probably means that tomorrow will have to be a rest day.   The forecast is for ‘light cloud with strong winds’.... so, I doubt if  I’ll be out on the bike tomorrow.

I had a turn up to Chapel Green (on the bike) just before lunch;  I had intended going further but the bike battery was low, so I put in on charge before doing all that work.

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