Damp looking ...

14th February 2022 (Monday)    I start by wishing all girls a lovely, and loving, St Valentine’s Day xxx.

07.00    The overnight rain has moved away, fairly recently by the look of the garden;  everything is wet, I can’t see any stars and ‘Blob’ isn’t singing from the top of the Rowan tree.   Having said that, the weather forecast isn’t all doom and gloom;  there is ‘a chance of precipitation’ throughout today, but the cloud is starting to break up, so there will also be sunny spells.   


Falkland Hill.

21.30    My mission to pick up Myra from the Lundin Links garage went like clockwork;  we were back in ‘The Ferry’ by 09.30, drinking coffee in No 3.

We have had a beautiful day.... and I don’t think had any ‘precipitation’ all day.    And, this surprised me,.... it was warm.    I went out on the bike, suitably wrapped up against the cold, only to find that I had overdone the wrapping up.    I went up to Chapel Green and had a short walk and it was then that I noticed how warm it was.   When I got back to Ivy I checked the garden thermometer;  it was reading 11C.  There was another surprise for me today;   I was surprised to see a lot of people on the beach.   It must be a school holiday somewhere.

Back at Ivy I caught up with the Olympics... I watched the GB Ladies (Curlers) beat Denmark: unfortunately they were beaten by Canada in their next match.  It was all very exciting.

The sky was looking interesting coming up to sunset time so I had a wander down to the

beach.  There was a stunning, late afternoon light, and a lot of people were out enjoying it.   It’s great that our beaches are being enjoyed, more or less, all the year round now.   Whether this will last now that COVID appears to be on the wane, remains to be seen; I like seeing people having the benefit of our beaches.;  and they bring the beach to life.

Last night I watched Louis Theroux’s ‘Forbidden America’ on BBC2.   The USA may be looking after America’s interest around the world, but they have a major problem at home with the ‘far right’;  and that’s going to take a lot of sorting.   It was an interesting, mind boggling actually, programme.

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