Serene kind of morning ...

9th December 2018 (Sunday) .... 09.30    It’s a gorgeous morning...
Elie at sunrise.
sunny, with hardly any wind, ‘serene’ would be the best way to describe it.    I met Keith out walking his dogs on the beach;  Keith and his wife Jo, bought Philip’s house, and have, over the past couple of years transformed it.   Keith, Jo, and the dogs love ‘The Ferry’... and spend a lot of their time here.     
 Hey I’d better get a move on .... I’m supposed to be going to the kirk this morning.

14.30    It was Communion at Kinneuchar so the kirk was fairly busy.  The Minister was excellent, he used ‘Lord of the Rings’ in his sermon... and was the second man in the kirk not wearing a tie!   The hymns weren’t of the ‘gie it laldie’ kind;  I left the singing to Moira and Brian in front of me .... and Sadie.   I just flapped my lips, soundlessly, at the appropriate times.  The Minister probably thinks I’m a good singer because I flapped my lips with feeling!  I didn’t get to the kirk in time to have coffee/tea before the service:  however, I always have a couple of digestive biscuits in my pocket... and a bottle of water:  emergency rations in case I feel hungry.   I didn’t.  Feel hungry i.e.

The western sky at sunset.
17.00    Oops .... handle fell off my bedroom door.   It’s been threatening to do that for a while fact about the same length of time that I have been threatening to ‘fix that ... tomorrow’.     ‘Tomorrow’ was today, because I went to B ‘n Q’s to get a replacement handle, and the door has been ‘fixed’.     I'm a bundle of action once I get started.  

 20.00        I’m contented tonight though I don’t know why, because, apart from fixing the door handle, I haven’t done that much.    Not physical stuff anyway.   I did have a couple of short walks, one on the beach to see the sunrise, and one to the golf course to see the sunset.   I ate food at regular intervals... and I’ll have another cuppa after this update.  

What’s the plan for tomorrow?    Well I have an appointment at the surgery at 09.00 and after that I need to go to the PO in Ainster.   Harbour House is closed on Monday’s and Tuesday’s so nae morning coffee. My own coffee has vastly improved since I began
5 minutes before sunset.
buying the Flat White sachets;  all I have to do is add hot water.   Even I can’t get that wrong.    Actually I could... the water has to be boiled then allowed to cool for a few minutes!

Tomorrow is forecast to be ‘one long sunny spell’... but cauld.   Yep ... I’ll unearth the sun cream.

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