Bright and breezy ....

29th December 2018 (Saturday) ... 10.00    we have a ‘bright and breezy’ morning, but it doesn’t feel cold even with the wind chill.   That said I was well wrapped up when on the beach, and I was in the lee of the dunes most of the time.    Maybe it is cold!
Clouds scuttling over Elie Bay.

On the last evening of the holiday at Auchnagatt, Miles and Jackie, classical guitarists, treated us to a mini concert.    Jackie had me wandering along West Bay with the tune she gave us, and Miles played the best version of ‘Wild Mountain Thyme’  I’ve ever heard.   This has me wondering .... has anyone ever made a DVD, of Scottish tunes, played on the guitar?   It was a wonderful way to end my holiday.   Oh  I didn’t play the ‘Sheep game’ very well .... I began, in a blaze of glory... then picked a ‘black sheep’ card and lost the lot.

Elie Bay just after sundown.

19.00    The weather has been kind today;  breezy and sunny mostly.    I did the ‘holiday’ washing, and will iron it after this update.   I set up the laptop in the living room, so that I can watch the tele, and work on my photographs when the adverts are ‘on’.   This is the perfect set up for me. I did go to the beach at sunset time but it was of the spectacular kind;  but the beach was busy.   It was breezy, but being warmly wrapped up you didn’t notice the wind.   The tide was on the way in so I didn’t have any reflections on wet sand.    You have a better chance of getting reflections on an outgoing tide.

I’ve had a busy day, even though the only time I’ve been out was when I went to the beach, at sunrise and sunset:  considering that I began the day with a migraine, I’m a happy bunny.

Tomorrow’s weather is forecast to be much the same as today’s;  breezy with sunny
The beach at sunset.
spells after overnight rain.    I’m not planning to go anywhere, in fact I might have a sleep in;  then begin to sort out the bedrooms when I do surface.   If the weather is really good I might even do some gardening;  there’s a lot of tidying up to be done there.   The villages are busy;  in fact I noticed a car parked on on the dunes where I’ve never seen a car parked before. 
I’m off to find something to watch on the tele, though there’s rarely very much worth watching at this time of year.   If I can’t find anything to watch I’ll do some work... on the laptop.

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