Plumber afternoon ....

6th September 2018 (Thursday) ....   08.45     It’s chilly this morning, but
A quiet corner of Kinneuchar loch.
a nice enough morning for walking.    There’s a lot of cloud about, but we do get spells
of sunshine now and again:  the most noticeable ‘thing’ about the weather is that there’s an autumn feel to the air.     With showers being forecast for the afternoon, I’ll not bother painting;   but I could pull a few weeds.
I’ve been down to the harbour and home by Kinneuchar (in the car);   I had to go to the money machine.    The paper I’ll get later .... round about coffee time.

20.30    I’m not keen on ‘ousework  afternoons but that’s what this has been for me;  I did get some ousework while waiting for the plumber.   We’ve decided that a new toilet and cistern is required .... the one I have is dated:  and modern ones do everything, except sing and dance, when you  press the button.    Mind you I had to miss the ‘Drop in Cafe’.    George came along in the afternoon, and the three of us, Mike, George and me, had a cuppa during, which time we discussed the merits of the various toilet suites to be had.... I was surprised to find that they aren’t that expensive.

Threatening sky.
After the ‘Troops’ had gone home, I noticed that we had some interesting clouds bumbling across the sky, and decided that I’d go to the beach and get a few pictures.    In spite of knowing that the threatening clouds were going to deposit their contents soon;  me being me ... I had to stay and get the photographs,  so ...  yes ....  I was slightly damp when I got back to Ivy.    But I remembered, and managed, to get the camera into its bag before the rain came.    I’m pleased with the photographs;   well worth a bit of dampness.   

What am I going to do tomorrow?    I’ll probably have the morning free, but might have to stay ‘in’ in the afternoon.    The weather forecast for tomorrow is a mix,  of cloud and sunny spells.... but mostly dry.    I might be able to do some painting.

I see that someone has been round with the spray can again... .. identifying the pot
'Our' beach this afternoon.
holes for ‘the team’ to fill in.   I must get a few photographs of Fife pot holes:  we have the best pothole collection in Scotland... and possibly the whole of the UK.   Mind you,  if people that ‘evade and  avoid’ paying their proper taxes, and benefit cheats didn’t cheat, there would be enough money to keep the Health Service healthy;   and also the roads.    I was going to mention the £50 billion being invested in Trident , and two aircraft carriers, but ... it’s knowing that I have Trident, and the big boats, keeping me safe(?) that helps me sleep at night.

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