Brisk wind .....

11th September 2018 (Tuesday) .... 07.30    The sky is busy this morning;    busy with clouds scuttling over on a brisk (F5) Northwest wind.     Rain
Bright and breezy Elie Bay.
showers aren’t mentioned in the weather forecast, so this could be a good day to do the washing.    Funnily enough, in spite of the  strength of the wind, it doesn’t feel that cold.

09.30      The washing is now on the line;   and well pegged on.     I'd say it certainly is a good drying day.    I’m going for the paper and morning coffee now.... might go for a walk in the afternoon.

17.00     It’s been a wild day, but dry:  my washing remained on the line, and was dry by the time I got back from Leven.    Alberto ... start at the beginning.     After I’d hung out the washing I went to Elie for the paper, and had morning coffee, in Harbour House, with ‘the Troops’.    Immediately after the coffee I went to Leven where I had some business to attend too.     That (the ‘business’) didn’t take very long, but by the time it was finished it was lunch time, so I went to Sainsbury’s, had lunch, then did a
The Toft - Elie.
wee bit shopping;  and was back in the ‘Royal Burgh’ by 13.00.
In the afternoon I went up to Elie again, (I had to hand in a prescription .... nae secrets in ‘the Hutte’) took a few photographs from The Terrace, the bumbled back home via Kinneuchar, in the car.

We’ve been lucky with the weather today;  yes it has been windy, but we missed the heavy showers that were rattling over Glenrothes and Kirkcaldy (about 15 mils to the West of us).

20.00     I’m thinking about doing the ironing;   there’s bound to be something on the
.... The Toft, Elie.
tele that I can watch when I’m doing it.   It feels cooler tonight:  there’s definitely a touch of Autumn to the air .... I’ve had to turn up the heating.     Tomorrow’s weather is forecast to me more or less the same as today’s;   breezy and cool.    I have yet to formulate a ‘plan’ for tomorrow;   I think I’ll have a quiet day.    I will start by picking up Jim to go for the papers and coffee (Myra is on a mission) in the morning  ... then have a lazy afternoon.

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