A 'Royal Burgh' wedding .... ....

29th September 2018 (Saturday) .... 08.00     The sky was heavily
'Royal Burgh' Wedding.

overcast at sunrise time, but there is a lot of blue in the sky now, and, because there’s a brisk (and cool) wind it is a really good ‘drying day’.   At this time I don’t have a ‘plan’;   I didn’t expect it to be quite as breezy, and cold as it is.... so I might not get any painting done.   However, because I have plenty other things needing to be done I will not be a bored bunny.

19.00     We had a ‘Royal Burgh’ Wedding’ today:  which added a bit of excitement to an otherwise quiet day.
 The bridal party set off from ‘Waverley’ in the Ferry High Street.    I spotted the wedding cars parked in Ferry road, and went out to get a few photos of them, a Bentley S1 (1955) and a Jaguar Mk2 (1964), however when I saw that the bridal party were leaving from ‘Waverley’ I decided to get a few photos of.... something even rarer than the two cars;  a ‘Royal Burgh’ wedding.    Congratulation to the Happy Couple ....
May the best ye've ever seen
Be the worst ye'll ever see
May a moose ne'er leave yer girnal
Wi' a tear drap in his e'e
May ye aye keep hale an' he'rty
Till ye're auld eneuch tae dee
May ye aye be jist as happy
As we wish ye aye tae be!

Sunrise time.
I have had a funny old day..... start at the beginning Alberto.... Okay.    Overnight I was buzzin’ and couldn’t sleep;    I felt like doing ‘ousework.    However I dare not do any work as I’d to rest my knee, so I read my book.    However the lack of sleep eventually caught up with me this afternoon;  I lay down on top of the bed and fell asleep, for two whole hours.    I suspect I won’t be sleeping again tonight.    I’ve discovered that Cortisone injections can mix up the sleep patterns (short term), and my sleep patterns are well mixed up.   Being short term I’m hoping to be back to normal by Monday.
You’ll have reasoned from the above that I have had a ‘lazy’ day;  which I have.    I’ll
The 'Ivy Cottage' apple tree.
take a couple of Paracetemol before bedtime tonight and try to get myself back into my normal rhythm.    In fact I might have a lie in tomorrow morning;  instead of getting up to catch the sunrise.

I took advantage of that fact that it has been a good ‘drying day’;   and it was...     my washing dried in ‘nae time’.    In fact if I’m creepin’ aboot at funny time overnight I will do the ironing.

It looks like we’re going to have another “bright and breezy” day tomorrow .... and cool.    I don’t have a  ‘plan’;  if I’m feeling frisky I’ll start getting organised for ‘JB’ arriving next  Thursday.

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