Calm morning ....

 17th September 2018 (Monday) .... 08.30    We have a quiet morning
Overcast mostly .... but nice.
here;   the sun is trying to burn off some high cloud, there’s only a light breeze, and it isn’t raining.    It’s forecast to be overcast for most of today with rain later.    There is a big area of blue sky appearing from the West so we could  get a decent sunny spell.    I’m fond of ‘sunny spells’ and thinking of getting the bike out after breakfast... it’s not too windy, and the roads are quieter again. 

12.00    I took the car up to get the paper.... and for morning coffee, with Myra, Jim and Geoff in Harbour House.    My immediate ‘plan’ is to extricate the exercise bike from the wee shed and get it installed in the Hutte for the winter.   This could take a few days at the speed I work at.    

The beach this morning.
16.30     The exercise bike is in ‘The Hutte’, though not exactly where I want it to be.    It started to rain at 15.30 so I tidied everything up, and out of the rain.    I must have worked harder than normal;  at least the hard work is done;   all I have to do is organise The Hutte for the winter.   I have a load of stuff for re-cycling at Pittenweem, but I’ll have to check to see if the Pittenweem depot is open tomorrow.    I know that it’s ‘closed’ today.
It looks like the rain is here for the evening;  which doesn’t bother me as I have an Outreach Meeting at 18.30.    I must remember to have food earlier.

21.00    The rain petered out before  the Outreach Meeting so I was able to walk up to Pat’s, and back home again dry.    I think this is only a temporary respite, as rain is forecast for later tonight, and tomorrow morning.    I was hoping to get out on the bike again tomorrow, but, even if it is raining I can now use the exercise bike.   I’ll spend a
Rubbish from the West Bay beach clean the other day.
bit of time tomorrow sorting out ‘The Hutte’.

I’m feeling better tonight;  not as tired as I have been lately.   I think the weather has a big part to play when it comes to how sore my knee is.   I’m hoping that rain eases arthritic pain;  we get loads of it (rain) in Bonnie Scotland.   Somehow I think it could be the other way round;  with rain being more likely to increase pain.  
My main ‘plan’ for tomorrow is to sort out the Hutte.    The wind is going to start increasing in strength in the afternoon, and to be “blawin’ a hoolie” on Wednesday.

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