Feeling fresh and frisky ....

13th September 2018 (Thursday) .... 08.30      I’ve been out, as far as
West Shore, Pittenweem.... from the West Braes.
the front gate;   Ferry Road was quiet, with only Mike bumbling up the road in his car (he’s needing a new exhaust .... not Mike... his car) on what is a breezy, with the threat of a shower, autumn morning.   There are encouraging blue gaps in the clouds, and .... they are forecast to expand at the expense of the clouds.... and the showers.    Must go ‘slight flap on’ this morning;   I’m taking stuff  to the skip at Pittenweem, then have morning coffee on the way home.  

20.00    I’ve overdone it again...I know this because my knees and hips are telling me so.     Tomorrow is going to be a ‘rest day’.    Today I had two trips to the coup to dump the old toilet stuff, and some garden rubbish.    When I was finished with the coup I pruned the Clematis;  it had been trying to take over the garden next door.     We’ve had heavy showers now and again, more or less for the whole day;  in fact it’s been a cold and not very amenable kind of day.    Luckily I did my washing yesterday;  but anyone with a washing hanging on the line today would be very frustrated indeed.    I arrived back in Elie, from my first trip to the coup, and just made it into Harbour
Old open air swimming pool at The Braes Pittenweem.
House before the rain became serious.  
In the afternoon I went to the coup with the second load, and had just got back to Ivy when Myra and Jim came down Ferry Road on their way to the ‘Drop in Cafe’.    With all my gallivantin’ about I’d forgotten about the Cafe;   in fact I’d forgotten that it was Thursday.     Tomorrow is definitely a rest day.    Anyway, I ‘jamp’ back into the car and was along there in time to have a cuppa and catch up with local news:   nil.   Joyce, my Top .... oops .... my ex Top Secret roving reporter, told me this morning that “there’s nothing happening in the North Eastern periphery of the Barony”.   So there’s nothing happening anywhere;  no wonder the East Fife Mail is boring.    As far as I know, my cutting lumps oot o’ the clematis was the most exciting thing that happened today.   I can see the headline:  ‘Clem Atis meets his match in Earlsferry’.   Yes ... you’re right;   I do need an early night in bed.  

Oops ... I cannae find the phone... and it’s ringing.   .........................it’s now nine minutes later:   the phone has been ‘found’;   the handset was in The Hutte.    It’s hard work living with me;   no wonder I forget what day it is!     I’ll have a lie in tomorrow morning;  the weather is going to be more or less the same as it was today;  unsettled, .... so no reason to get up and out early.

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