Not sunny ....

4th April 2018 (Wednesday) .... 08.00    I can hardly believe it;  this morning’s weather is actually worse than yesterday’s was.    The weather must be
Leven High Street.
‘cast’ this morning ....isn’t high enough to be ‘overcast’ .... it’s sitting on us;  a bank of  light rain/Scotch mist.   Yep ... it’s Dreich, and with a capital ‘D’.    Not a morning for walking;   bring on tomorrow (Thursday) when we should get some sunshine.    I’m going to Leven, to do some shopping.

12.00      My trip to Leven was successful, so ....  I’m a happy bunny.     The journey to Leven was uneventful, but with the rain/sleet,  there is a lot of water on the roads.    The temporary traffic lights at Scoonie are back in operation.... and a nuisance;   but they don’t hold you up for long, with them being ‘two way’ now.    The only problem I had on the trip was when I got back to Ivy, to find myself a ‘DR’ (Displaced Resident) thanks to a Chelsea tractor, and had to carry my messages up from the Wynd, in the rain.    I didn’t enjoy that.    I must point out that it was a bonnie ‘CT’... but that didn’t stop me getting slightly damp.  However this might explain why I don’t particularly like the Easter holiday!   Roll on the 1st of June when I’ll be able to unload messages at my own gate.    I won’t get sunburnt by having to carry my messages any distance, in blistering hot sunshine.    Sunshine?   Sunburnt?

Leven High Street.
16.30     There won’t be a visit to the beach this afternoon;   not unless something dramatic happens with the weather in the next couple of hours:  right now it’s snowing.    Actually, I fell asleep in front of the tele, and, woke up remembering that I had to have a quick run up to Elie (in the car).   It was then I discovered it was snowing.    The snow isn’t lying here, but Alex  was telling me that it was proper snow up at St Andrews ... where she had been working, as a caddy, on the golf course.    And I was bothered about getting damp carrying my messages 50 metres up the road!    Anyway the car is moored up, Ivy hatches well battened down, and I am ready for a cuppa.
19.00     There’s a washing going through the machine as I type.... so that it can be hung out first thing in the morning.    Tomorrow looks like being a good ‘drying day’, if the  weather forecast is right;  a westerly breeze with sunny spells.    Sunny spells?.... I’d best get the sun-cream out.    And the bike!  

The weather today has been dreadful;   no wonder it is the main topic in any
Ferry Road, Earlsferry.
conversation.    We are all looking forward to long spells of sunny weather;  it’s certainly what we need.

The ‘Drop in Cafe’ has a change of venue tomorrow afternoon;  instead of the ‘Scout Hut’, the usual place, it’s going to be in the Kirk Hall,  ... at 14.15.  I don’t know what the reason for this change is;   it may be that, with this being the Easter holiday, we expect more visitors. 
   21.00    The sky is beginning to clear from the Northwest....  it’s still raining here, but not as heavily as it was an hour ago.    The sky should be clear by morning, and we might even have a touch of frost.    I am looking forward to tomorrow’s weather!

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