Easter Sunday ....

1st April 2018 (Easter Sunday) .... 07.30     We have a lovely Spring morning in the ‘Auld Villages’.... bright and sunny, with light touch of air frost, a perfect Easter
Elie Harbour beach.
Sunday morning.    A breeze, from the Northeast, means that it will be cool down at the harbour for our Easter Service;   so wrap up warm.    The bike has been liberated from the shed;  I am feeling good .... and my aches and pains are in the right places.... Yep .... I’m ready to ‘go’.   

20.30    I have been a busy boy on what has been a typical, early Spring day.    My day started with the Easter Service at the Harbour, then breakfast in the kirk hall;  both events being well attended.       Most of the folk that went to the Harbour Service, also went to the kirk hall.    Funnily enough it was not cold at the harbour this morning;  probably because the wind was light.

The main Service in the Church was at 11.00 so I went back to Ivy for a break, before going to the Easter Service.     This was Rev Peter Mills last Service before he retires;  St Monans and East Neuk Trinity will miss him, because he is an exceptional Minister.    I wish him, and his lady wife Sheila, a long and happy retirement.    With this being Easter Sunday, the kirk was well packed.... with the result that the hymns were given ‘laldie’.     Mind you none of the hymns were of the ‘laldie’ kind really.    Nevertheless we did our best with what we had.    ‘My’ gallery was the busiest I’ve ever seen it.    Lunch was being served in the kirk hall after the Easter Service, so I have not had to make a meal all day.  
It is a hundred years this month, since the Royal Air Force became Britain’s third fighting force;   and I was lucky enough to blunder across a film celebrating this 100th anniversary.    It was very interesting, following the early, string-bag, planes of WWI, through to the Typhoon’s, that the RAF has today.

In the early part of the evening I went for a walk, up to the ‘Pony Field’ then home by
Earlsferry - late afternoon.
the golf course.    It was a lovely evening, and the course was busy;  but not with anybody I knew.

According to the weather forecasters, Monday and Tuesday’s weather is going to be of the ‘iffy’ kind, with snow being mentioned for higher ground.    Largo Law had a light dusting of snow this morning, and the Pentland Hills(Edinburgh)  were white, as were the higher bit of the Lammermuirs, along the ‘Sooth side’.    I was just beginning to enjoy Spring!

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