Overcast but mostly dry .... so far

3rd April 2018 (Tuesday) ... 09.00     I enjoyed a decent walk before breakfast this morning;  although the sky is overcast, there are only intermittent light
Elie beach at 08.30.
showers, so pleasant enough for some exercise.    There’s a light covering of snow on the higher parts of Balcarres, so there’s been snow overnight....  rain beside us.   I met a lot of folk out walking their dog(s), including Myra who had ‘SD’ down on the beach.   Actually the beach was busy;  the only thing missing was sunshine.    I might get the bike out today.... any rain we’ve had so far has been ‘light’, and I can cope with that.

15.30    With the weather being ‘iffy’, I decided to work.... I shredded loads of,  out of date, paper work.    There’s a lot of satisfaction comes with the sound of the shredder chomping its way through reams of superfluous paper stuff.    There’s more to do, but I’ll leave that for tomorrow.     Thursday is ‘bright and sunny’ ... so I’ll leave it free, and do a washing.
Happy 'me' .... my joggers are back.
The weather did slightly brighten up mid afternoon so I thought I’d get the bike out.    Unfortunately, by the time I got out to the shed, it was raining again:  that brought an end to the biking, and walking, ‘plan’, for this afternoon.   If I wasn’t on a diet, I’d bake scones.

19.00    Oh ... this is Tuesday;   Jim comes down on a Tuesday evening.    We, drink delicious tea, and scoff fresh baked scones.    We can do the discussion thing, but not the scones tonight:   owing to the fact I didn’t bake.    There will be a choice of different Chocolate biccies... or Rich Tea if we’re on a diet.

I’ve been trying to fathom out why I don’t enjoy the Easter holiday.    I enjoy the ‘Easter’ bit of it, but the rest of the holiday I always feel that I am a stranger in my own village.   Easter is the only holiday that I feel this:  Maggie felt the same about the
This looks dreich.    It was dreich!
Easter holiday.    I think it must be because it’s the first holiday of the season .... and it disrupts the routine.     The folk I meet are friendly, ... it’s just that I feel ‘out of place’...  but only at this holiday.    Strange.    It could be the lack of sunshine.

Tomorrow?    I don’t have a ‘plan’ for tomorrow;  it depends on the weather really, and the weather forecast isn’t inspiring.     However, the wind backs to the West on Thursday so we should get some sunny spells then.

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