Not 'bright and sunny' ....

13th April 2018 (Friday) .... 09.00   Hmmmmmmmmmm .... there are a few paler patches appearing in the general greyness of the sky,....  but, being as it is
Elie beach - this afternoon.
raining, (from  an heavily overcast sky).... as far as weather goes, today doesn’t looking promising.    However, the rain, (its only light – but, as ever, wet), should peter out soon, leaving us with a grey, but dry day.    I wonder .... could a ‘sunny spell’ drift our way?    I might get the bike out later in the morning;  at this moment in time I need another cuppa.   


21.30     The afternoon, although overcast, was at least dry and much brighter:    Linda and John appeared.    They are over at Shell ... oops .... ‘Elie’....  Caravan Park,  for the weekend.     I was in much need of a chat, and they turned up at the perfect time, so ... I talked;   both Linda and John listened.    After a coffee, and chat, I felt happy:   gloomy weather tends to ....  well make me feel ‘gloomy’.    After John and Linda left I went down to the beach;   and was surprised to find it busy.   Of course ....  I’ve just remembered ... this is Friday;  the villages will be busy over the weekend.

The Ferry beach this afternoon.
Most of my day has been spent working on the computer;   I’m still backing up photographs onto DVD’s.    It’s the kind of job that brings about a lot of reminiscing.... and takes a lot of time:   the reminiscing  i.e.     Gary (my nephew) has done a blog about my Grand Uncle Fred, who KIA in WW1... round about 14th April 1918, a hundred years ago.   They don’t know the actual date, because in was a while before they could bring together the names of those missing, over the period 10th to 14th April.    Fred’s body was never found/ identified.    We do remember them.  

We are now going through a period of posturing by politicians, who seem to be keen to
Earlsferry beacon.
have another ‘war’.   Of course they don’t actually fight... the politicians i.e..... they just ‘sell’ the idea of war to the masses.    I’m thinking of Blair and his Iraq ‘weapons of mass destruction’ war;  and the stability(?) that brought to the Middle East area.

Our weather forecast is ‘good’ for tomorrow;  not necessarily exciting ‘good’ but considerably better than today’s was.    Sunny spells have been mentioned.    The boats are  ‘craned in’ tomorrow at the harbour;   I’ll get down in time to grab a few photos, then go home via the estate.

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