Bright and sunny .....

The Terrace, Elie.    Yes ...we have a 'bright and sunny' morning.
12th April 2018 (Thursday) ... 07.30      We have a bright and sunny start to the morning, but it is cool cold in a brisk ENE breeze:  it’s good to see a blue sky again.....though it will probably cloud over later.    A lovely start to Thursday.      I could foresee me doing some gardening ‘work’....later;   definitely not before I go for a bumble through the Estate on the bike.

20.00     Rarely do I ever wash the floors (kitchen, bathroom and lobby) when there’s an East wind, but, with the morning being bright and sunny, and reasonably warm after the sun got going, I decided to do them.    I’m glad that I did them in the morning;   the sky clouded over after lunch, and we even had spits and spots of rain later in the afternoon .... when I was biking home from the ‘Drop in Cafe’.
The turnout at the ‘Cafe’ was disappointing;   but those who were there, managed to find plenty to talk about.    The deteriorating weather might have contributed to the low numbers.... and the fact that this is still the Easter holiday period.    I think this might be the last weekend of the Easter break.

Kinneuchar loch.
The garden work that I threatened to do never materialized... when the sun disappeared behind the clouds, the urge to ‘work’ disappeared with it.    I did bike up to Elie three times today, and round the estate once;   and this was into an East wind.   You don’t get fit with the wind on your back.  

I was watching the Cob patrolling his patch on Kinneuchar loch;  i.e., keeping the immature swans  away from his nesting area.     There must be round about 27  immature swans (un-mated), living as a loose flotilla, on the loch:   when they get too close, he takes up the threatening posture, and paddles rapidly towards them;  they about turn, and paddle away from him.    When they are out of his patch he about turns and bumbles his way back to the nest area.    How does he know when they are far enough away?    Does he
Kinneuchar loch ... and kirk.
have a ‘landmark’ on the shore that defines where his patch ends?    I guess that most the immature swans will eventually fly off, back to wherever they came from, taking most of his problems with them.    The Whooper has already moved on.

This morning I thought we were going to have us a bonnie day;  but it was not to be.     Tomorrow’s weather is forecast to be heavily overcast with dampness (light rain) in the morning, with the rain petering out leaving us, just plain overcast, later.   The good news (re the weather) is, that it should begin to get warmer on Saturday.

The swan in the middle picture is ‘Auld Grumpy’ .... on patrol.    The two swans on the right of the bottom picture have become aware of ‘Auld Grumpy’ coming their way!    A minute later the group had about turned, and were making a strategic withdrawal.

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