Feeling productive ....

8th April 2018 (Sunday) .....  09.30    Yessss .... it’s a grand morning for
Spring morning ..... 
gardening, and for going out on the bike:   we have ‘sunny and warm’, with  a lot of scattered light about, so interesting photos all around.     I promptly forgot about gardening,  and went  out on the bike .... up to Chapel Green for a walk about.     I don’t think I can remember the path round Chapel Green ever being as muddy as it is just now;    a result of all the rain/snow over the past four weeks.  That said it won’t take long to dry once we get right into Spring.... and the birds were giving it laldie this morning, with their Spring song, so, as far as  they’re concerned, Spring is here.

15.00    My word .... Spring is here ....  the temperature has been at 15c in Ivy garden;   and I have been working in this sapping heat.    No wonder I’ve had to stop and have multiple cups of tea in the Hutte, and do Soduko’s.    This weather I could get to like .... love even.    I have made some progress with the garden .... cutting back the roses and
Looking towards Grange Road, Earlsferry.
stuff, but to be honest, mostly I’ve really been enjoying the sunshine.    Actually I had a light attack of ‘the mauchless’ .... in the Hutte.... but I even enjoyed the strangeness of that!  The beach will be busy;  but I’m not going down until the evening time.     Must ‘go’ .... got pruning to do .... and absorb some more Vitamin ‘D’.

21.00     The ‘broon bucket’ is nearly full of garden rubbish already.... and it doesn’t go out for another 12 days.      This gives an indication as to how hard the ‘boy’ has been working this afternoon.    I’m in the mood to do stuff in the garden, and the weather forecast is  for tomorrow, so I’ll just get on with it when the weather, and ‘the Boy’, are both good.     I’ll have to take any weeds or pruning, straight along to the skip in Pittenweem.
I did get down to the beach in the late afternoon, by which time it, the beach, was
The Ferry beach this evening.
quiet.    It was a nice evening;  it still is a nice evening ... and I am content after a satisfying day.     That said, my knee is tired:  I suppose I should make an appointment with Dr Francis to see what the problem is, and what needs doing.  
I’m well ready for bed tonight .... having been late, by my standards, last night.    I had a brilliant evening up at Jim and Myra’s;   Linda, Lindsay and Geoff were also there so there was much interesting conversation.    I should have written that on yesterday’s Hutte but it was late.    Thanks Jim and Myra for the scrumptious dinner.... oh ... and I think I left my scarf dangling on the radiator.

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