Spring like morning .....

21st February 2018 (Wednesday) .... 08.30    It looks like being another spring like day, after another beautiful sunrise.    After all the sun rise photographs
Elie Bay this morning.
that I’ve taken, I came across  something ‘new’ this morning;  something that I shall be prepared for in future..... which could of course could be anytime.    It might happen tomorrow, but it might not happen for months/years.      There’s hardly any wind again, but there was a touch of frost at sunrise time;    the rising sun will soon shift the frost.    After another cuppa I’m going to get the bike out;  in fact I’ll get the bike out before I have another cuppa.

20.30      We’ve had another beautiful, Spring-like day, though it has been a bit colder;  the wind, luckily it’s light, is from the Easterly direction.    I went out on the bike, and I the new eye protection does keep the wind out of my eyes .... and any other stuff as
Elie harbour - this afternoon.
well.    I went to the Harbour House for coffee with Myra, Jim and Geoff.... after which I biked home via Elie Estate.    It was cold in the shade of the woods, but I did enjoy being on the bike again.     The weather looks like being much the same tomorrow, so I’ll probably do the same run, but clockwise;   it depends on the wind.    I also enjoyed  ‘50’ after lunch;   being well ready for a nap after biking, for the first time since, sometime in October probably!

New Zealand has a taken a hit from the remnants of Cyclone Gita, including ‘M’s garage which flooded to a depth of three inches.    Yesterday wasn’t a good drying day along the Kapiti Coast.... though the rain has now passed, and everything should dry up in ‘nae time’.
I was wanting Lindsey Vonn to win the Women’s Downhill at the Olympics, but,
Looking West from The Toft Elie.
although she skied  bonnie and won Bronze, she was upset.    I suppose it’s age creeping up .... even on Lindsey.  
What’s my ‘plan’ for tomorrow?    Oh aye .... I’ll go out on the bike again;  and do gardening in the afternoon;  and, I’ve heard that gardening is good for ‘aulder’ folk.    That gives me another five years before I start serious gardening.   This is a ‘broon’ bucket week .... i.e. garden rubbish etc.
This ‘boy’ will be in bed early tonight ..... he is tired!

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