Feeling happy ....

8th February 2018 (Thursday) ....

“Flowers are happy things!”

09.30    It’s a bonnie enough morning;  a mix of clouds and blue sky, so we could have a sunny spells.    There’s a light wind from the West, and it’s not exactly warm.  It’s the
Elie lighthouse.
kind of day that .... I'd wrap up well, go out.... and, if there were puddles I’d jump in them.   I’m happy.

20.00     Although not the bonniest weather, I’ve had a happy day.     In the morning I decided to ‘fuel up’ the car;   and, I remembered to use diesel.   (Note to me .... I must get a sticker to put onto the fuel cap .... as a reminder).     After the garage (Colinsburgh) I went to the Woodhaven car park (Elie) and went round the Lighthouse and Lady’s Tower walk.    The path(s) are a muddy in places, but I enjoyed the walk in spite of that.   The weather was overcast, and it looked like it was raining to the West, so I didn’t linger.  By the time I got back to the car I was beginning to feel the cold.

Elie lighthouse fro the Lady's Tower.

Jim phoned to remind me the we had the ‘Drop in Cafe’ in the afternoon, and that he’d pick me up at 14.30:  which he did.    The ‘Cafe’ was quiet at first.... but soon it filled up and the hall was buzzin’, like a contented bumble bee’s nest.     I caught up with all the local ‘news’.    According to Robbie,  Kinneuchar is quiet just now.     The only thing happening is the Kinneuchar Inn being renovated;  and that is going to be going on for a few months yet.

The weather forecast for tomorrow is -  ‘a good drying day’, albeit cold:   I shall do a woollen wash.    I probably won’t get the jersey’s completely dried outside but they should get a good airing.    I’ll do the washing first thing, then go up to Harbour House for morning coffee with Jim and Myra.     From there (Harbour House) I think I’ll go along to Pittenweem to see if the FMA have hard wearing, working shirts
West end of Earlsferry beach.
in stock.    That’s a ‘plan’ for tomorrow!

This is going to be another early night in bed;   I’m trying to shake of this cold once and for all this time.    There’s pancakes at the kirk service in Kinneuchar on Sunday;  that’s food!

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