Exquisite sunrise time .....

18th February 2018 (Sunday) ....    08.30   We had an exquisite (‘exquisite’ is a bonnie word -  must remember to use it more often), and peaceful,
sunrise this morning;   the tide was half way out, there was hardly any wind, so there were reflections on both sand and sea.... I’m a happy boy.    There was a touch of frost in the air, but that is beginning to lift.    It looks like the early morning dog walkers (and me) had the best of the day .... the sky is beginning to cloud over:  might get rain later in the afternoon.
I’m going to Kirkcaldy to have a look at battery assisted bikes;   I need  battery  assistance to get me up to Kilbrackmont.    This could be an age thing!    I’ll browse Halfords choice of bikes, pick up some ‘blurb’ leaflets, then buy a bike when Spring arrives.    Must ‘go’, ever so slight ‘flap on’.

"It didn't look that deep?"

19.30      The roads were quiet on my trip to Kirkcaldy;  then again I left early thinking that Halfords would be open at 09.00.    They didn’t open until 10.00 ..... so I had a cuppa in Sainsbury’s Cafe.    Sainsbury’s (Kirkcaldy) was one of the first shops in the Chapel Level shopping complex.    Sainsbury’s was surprisingly busy .... at least the Cafe was.     This is the first time I’ve been in Sainsbury’s Kirkcaldy since I ‘lost’ Maggie:  the Cafe has moved since we used it .... and I’d say that the new Cafe is better.

As you’d expect Halfords has a good choice of bike, both normal, and battery assisted.     Having said that, the only battery assisted bike I liked for style was a Pendelton;  a female gender bike.     Not that I’m bothered about that;   I use Maggie’s bike a lot of the time anyway.    The men’s bike were mostly ‘off road’ style.... I didn’t
New shops at the Chapel Level shopping complex.... Kirkcaldy.
see one that looked like a ‘normal’ road bike.... whereas the Pendelton was a road bike.      I’ll have a browse online. 
The roads were busier on the way home;   well,... busier with traffic travelling West.    I guess this would be holiday makers going back home to their various destinations.     By the time I got back to Earlsferry (11.10)  the sky was overcast.... but not much wind.     I had a cuppa, then went down to the beach ;    with the tide being out, and the sea calm, I took a few photos.    It started to rain about 13.45 .... and it is still raining.
Our weather forecast, for tomorrow, is not good .... rain for most of the daylight hours.     Of course that might not apply to ‘The Royal Burgh’.   

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