Spring like morning ....

16th Feb 2018 (Friday) .... 09.30     It’s a gorgeous morning;  it is breezy but it didn’t feel as cold, as it has been for the past few days, on the beach.    Sunrise
Early jogger .... on a lovely morning.
time was bonnie, and I got lucky;   a jogger pitter pattered along the beach, just as the sun  was coming over the lighthouse rocks .... bringing this morning’s photo to life.     I’m a happy bunny.  

With it being slightly warmer I’m wondering if I could  the wee shed roof.... the felt has torn with the wind.     You can’t work with felt when it’s cold.... it’s too stiff.    At the moment the roll of felt is in the Hutte, so it is warm .... it’s when it’s out in the cold the problems arise.    I’ll see how the temperature is around midday.     In the meantime I have a washing on (it’s a braw drying day);    and I could cut the felt into the appropriate lengths.   I need a caffeine fix first!

The Ferry beach.
19.30     The ‘Boy’ has been a bundle of action today;   however, although feeling tired (after the ladder climbing), I am well contented.     Not only did I cut the felt for the shed roof;   I repaired the roof.... hence the climbing of aforementioned ladder.    The new felt has been stuck down with felt adhesive so it shouldn’t move in a wind..... unfortunately I ran out of light, so it is only temporarily nailed, but that can be finished properly tomorrow.    I also did a washing.... so there’s an ironing to be done ..... sometime.

Not only did I do all that.... I filled the windscreen wiper bottle on the car.     I had to ‘Goog’ to find out where the bonnet release was:  you can get anything on ‘Goog’.... or YouTube.     While in the mood I emptied the car.   

In between ‘working’, I kept my eye on what was happening at the Olympics.    There
Elie beach.
was a lot going on .... including the Super G skiing.    Oh my word .... that’s the way to get from the top of a mountain to the bottom!

We have a Coffee Morning in the Ferry Town Hall tomorrow morning at 10.00:  unfortunately I won’t make the start ..... I have an appointment in Leven at 09.00.    I’m hoping to be back home by 10.30.     I’ll miss out on the Home Baking.

The beach was quieter, than of late, when I went down there late in the afternoon:   I fancied a break from ‘work’.    It has been a lovely day.... and definitely warmer .... but the sky was overcast by sunset time:  so nae sunset photos .... and, the tide was ‘in’... so there wouldn’t have been reflections on the wet beach;  because there wisnae a beach.

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