Gloomy weather ....

19th February 2018 (Monday) .... 09.00    Oh dear ..... I’m glad we have the Olympics to watch on the tele:   it’s gloomy and damp outside .... not a morning for
Earlsferry from Elie harbour.
the beach.     Although dreich, it is warm, and,  the rain, which  we had earlier, has moved away;    hopefully the sky will clear later.     There’s a lack of inspiration on a morning like this..... I’ll have one of my manky coffee’s;   everything looks brighter after a Hutte coffee.     Funnily enough I'm feeling frisky.... in spite of the gloomy weather.  

20.00     You’d hardly believe it:  it has been overcast all day, but the sun managed to break the clouds through at 17.15, about 10 minutes before sunset.....  it’s going to be a ‘bright and sunny’ day tomorrow.

I’ve had an enjoyable day;  I even went out twice .... in the car.   In the morning I went down to Elie harbour;  in the afternoon I went to St Monans harbour..... I like harbours, even though they are cauld places most of the time.    There were reflections on the still water, so I was a happy boy, but it was really cold by the time I was leaving
Two 'Royal' cars on Stenton Row, Elie!
St Monans.

Most of the remainder of ‘the day’ was spent watching the Olympics (mostly the curling and bobsleigh events) .... and playing with the photographs that I got at the two harbours.
The coast road to Pittenweem and Anstruther  (A917)is closed , until the 9th March, between St Monans and Pittenweem, to allow road-works to take place.    The detour is well marked;  you can still get to Pittenweem and Anstruther, via the ‘Colinsburgh Strait’ road.

The weather forecast for tomorrow is ‘sunny all day’ .... it could be a good drying day.    I haven’t made my mind up about any activities for tomorrow .... except;  I will
St Monans.
finish nailing the felt on the wee shed at some point.    I might go along to Leslie Bike Shop (it’s in Glenrothes) to get bike glasses;  if I do (go to the Bike Shop)  I’ll also go to Dysart harbour, for a cuppa at the Harbour Master’s House.      Jings .... I have a plan for tomorrow!    I really need to get out on the bike again;   there’s stuff been happening on Elie Estate that I’ve missed!..,. and I need the bike to cover the Estate.

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