Tranquil morning ....

14th November 2017 (Tuesday) .... 10.30    I enjoyed my walk along the beach, and ‘roond the Chapel’ this morning;  the auld place was serene.   The sunrise
Sunrise from the Cockstail Rocks.
sky was bonnie .... there are clouds, drifting over on a light breeze, to make it interesting.... yes... it was very enjoyable:  it is good in the “Owlbert” world.   It would be really good if the wind was to get up a wee bit, to make this into a drying day .... I have a washing on the line.

20.00    I’ve been really active today, having had a walk in the morning, and afternoon.   In the afternoon I went up to Shell Bay with Jim, who was taking “SD” (Sooper Dawg) for his walk.    It never ceases to surprise me the number of people that walk their dogs in shell Bay woods’ ....   then again, it is a perfect place to walk dogs;  sheltered from any wind and even light rain, with plenty paths to bumble along.    Today we came across a woodcutter clearing old trees... presumably so that they can
Spot the jogger admiring the sunrise!
plant new ones.

Before I went out with Jim, and “SD”, I’d cleared the moss from along the bottom of the front wall of Ivy;  where the wall meets the pavement.    Ivy now has a spotless pavement;  because I hosed the whole pavement down.   The plan is to touch up the front wall, hopefully before Christmas, to make it, the wall, and the front of Ivy, ready for painting ....which painting will probably happen in Spring.   

This has been a better day for me;  that said, I had two mugs on the worktop at 10.30 before I remembering that I only need one now.   Our wee villages are ‘old fashioned’ when it comes to caring about their ‘own’.... very supportive.    Then again, not only do we live in a bonnie corner of Mother Earth, our villages are populated with,  thoughtful, caring and loving folk;  as when I lost Maggie this support is very much
appreciated.... a big “Thank you” to all for your kindness.    Although ‘Love’ seems to be in short supply in many parts of the world, we have it aplenty in our wee corner.  Xx

Our weather is forecast to be dull and overcast mostly tomorrow, with the chance of light rain in the late afternoon /evening time.   Jim and I are taking “SD” out in the morning;   “Puku” is not enjoying this exercise!   

Photographs : Top – sunrise from the Cockstail rocks, Middle – early sunshine on Chapel Green houses .... plus, a lady jogger who stopped to take in the sunrise, and Bottom – woodcutter at work.

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