Friendship Lunch .....

8th November 2017 (Wednesday) .... 09.00    Oh my word .... it’s cauld on the hands hanging a washing out when there’s frost in the air;   but it’s a bonnie
morning, though I doubt if there’s enough of a breeze to call it a good drying one... and we might have shower in the afternoon.   Our weather is forecast to be ‘good’ for the next few days, so if the washing doesn’t dry today there’s always tomorrow.

We have the Friendship Lunch in Elie Kirk hall today, with a lady giving a talk on the care of Alzheimer’s patients immediately afterwards, so we’ll be staying for that.   Interesting day ahead.   

 19.30     It was lucky that I brought in the washing (still damp) at 12.30, before I went to the Friendship Lunch;   it began to rain at 15.25, as I was driving home after the ‘Lunch’, ....  and the Alzheimer’s talk.     The ‘Lunch’ is a braw social occasion... with soup and sandwiches, served by lovely waitresses, and loads of happy banter.     The Alzheimer’s talk was very interesting .... and being about a about a ‘nae weelness’ that we, by and large, dread ..... the talk, based on a questionnaire that we filled in, gave a good understanding of what is available to help people cope, and what is going on
Stenton Row, Elie.
behind the scenes medically.   Yes, this lady was informative.

My new e-mail address is finally up and running;   I linked it to my Google Account;  this means I am receiving all messages.    I have to fill in my Address Book.... which I might do later tonight;  the address book actually needs a good clear out, because there addresses in it that I no longer use.

We have a wet, windy, and cold evening.... a grand evening for battening the hatches down and working on the computer:  Ivy Cottage hatches have been ‘battened’ since 16.55.    Though it is a miserable evening, the rain is forecast to move away in the
Elie sea-front houses.
morning, and it’s going to be a perfect drying day.   The washing will be back on the line first thing.

Tomorrow is the ‘Drop In Cafe’ afternoon .... another chance to catch up with local ‘news’;  though there doesn’t seem to be much happening around the villages just now.

Photographs :  Top – general shot of the harbour, Middle – Stenton Row, Elie... you can make out the scaffolding where the sea wall is being repaired, and, Bottom – part of South Street/The Terrace, Elie.

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