Ferry Hall Coffee Morning .....

4th November 2017 (Saturday) .... 07.30    Hmmmmm .... we’ve had a shower of rain, so everything is wet;   however it looks like being a bonnie enough
Some of 'the girls'.
day, though we might catch the odd shower later.   I’m looking forward to the Coffee Morning in the Town Hall .... having not been in the hall for a number of years.    Must go ‘slight flap on’ .... the ‘girls’ will be looking for their breakfast!

21.00     That’s another lovely, albeit on the cool side;  jackets, and woollen hats essential..... especially when I was down there in the late afternoon.   But I’m getting ahead of myself .... there was much action before late afternoon!
The Ferry Hall Coffee Morning was a popular event;   the background chatter was deafening at times.... always a good sign at coffee mornings!     Kirsty was there .... this is the fourth day in a row that Kirsty and I have bumped into each other:  we’d be talked about ... if there was enough people in the Ferry to spread the news!    I enjoyed catching up with Dave and Joyce... they live a long way off.... ‘East by’ .... in Elie.   Jimmy and I missed the Kinneuchar Coffee morning .... Steve bumbled his way in to the Ferry Hall and we ended up chatting.

This was my last day feeding, and chatting to, the ‘girls’ up at Balmonth.    I’m sure they will give Sandy and ‘M’ a welcome round of clucking;  and a few eggs, tomorrow morning.    I managed to get a photograph  that shows the difference between a ‘normal’ hen, and a rescued one, of the same breed.    I can’t remember the name of the breed, but they aren’t ‘Rhodies’ (Rhode Island Reds).   Sandy did tell me ... it might be Golden Comet.    They are bonnie, and happy ‘girls’.

Earlsferry Hall Coffee Morning.
Jimmy was running out of supplies so we went to Leven in the afternoon.   Traffic was being diverted at Balchrystie, and we had to travel to Leven via Largoward.... and the diversions were still active when we came back.    There had been a bad accident at Drumeldrie, between a car and a motor bike.

Tomorrow the ‘plan’ is to go to the kirk;   I’m looking forward to having a sleep in tomorrow morning;   as long as I get ‘up’ in time to go to the kirk.   This past week I have made a point of being up at Balmonth at 08.00 (ish)... and midday.  That’s the way it is with livestock;  they depend on us, being there with their food.    I think the biggest surprise for me was seeing them, devour yoghurt and pasta:  modern kitchen scraps when you think about
Evening time on the beach.
it.    At the end of the day I felt like I’d done a day’s work.... and ... I suppose I have to say it ... “I ain’t no chicken!”

Photographs : Top – the girls ... the one on the right is older, and has all her feathers;  the other ‘girls’ will look like her next Spring, Middle – The Ferry Hall this morning, and Bottom – I know this photo is repetitive, but I like to see folk enjoying ‘my’ beach,.... they  bring the beach, and a photograph to life!

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