Dental appointment ....

27th November 2017 (Monday) .... 09.00     Hmmmm .... I have the dentist today .... a scale and polish .... a standard procedure, that involves much water
Anstruther beach.
in the mouth .... not very comfortable.   However my teeth always feel better after a good clean, and it doesn’t take long.    I’m trying to convince myself that I should be looking forward to this. 

We have a nice enough morning though fairly cloudy just now .... it should brighten up about 12.10 .... when I exit the Dental Surgery.    I went down to the beach for a short walk, and to catch the sunrise, the walk I had, but sunrise was obscured by cloud.  

     20.00     Myra ... oops Jim’s Secretary ...brightened my  morning up by inviting me
World famoues fish and chip shop.
for morning coffee at 10.00.   Geoff was also there and we had a really interesting chat about the Sinai desert.   This remind me;  I must Google Sinai and find out it’s history.... it must have had some peaceful times!

My trip to the dentist went ‘nae bother’ ... and I had been apprehensive about it.    The last time I had a scale and polish I seemed to be forever stopping the dentist so that I could swallow water;  not so today.    I went through the complete process non-stop.
After my appointment I went for a walk along Shore Road and out on to Anstruther West pier;   it was bright, sunny and windy’ at the time;  and blowin’ a hoolie out on
About one third of the West Pier Anstruther.
the pier.    I didn’t venture all the way out to the Chalmers lighthouse .... it was too windy and cold.    The cold wind spoiled what would have been a pleasant walk.

When I got back home I found a letter from the optician;  I’ll make an appointment tomorrow.    The chair that I ordered online is being delivered tomorrow afternoon, so anything  other stuff  I want to do will have to be done in the morning.   The weather forecast for tomorrow is more or less the same as it was today .... bright windy and cold;  in fact the forecast for the next few days is ‘bright windy and cold’.    If I wisnae trying to lose ‘Puku’ I’d be eatin chocolate!

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