Colinsburgh 'Lite Lunch' .....

1st November 2017 (Wednesday) .... 07.30     I’m feeling bright and breezy this morning  .... in spite of the fact that we have a gloomy start to November;
There's a Coffee Morning in the Earlsferry hall on Saturday!
  the sky is heavily overcast, with the chance of rain by the look of it.    I think it might brighten up in the afternoon.... much like it did yesterday.    The Colinsburgh ‘Lite Lunch’ will brighten our day up, regardless of the weather.   Must ‘go’... slight flap on ... got to have a cuppa.

20.00     The Colinsburgh Lite Lunch did brighten up our day .... the food was very enjoyable, with very tasty soup, and even tastier plum pudding... followed by a cuppa and much chat.   Loved it. 

Today I fed the  ‘girls’ at exactly midday.... usually it’s around 12.30, but I had the ‘Colinsburgh Lunch’ at 12.30.   It was beginning to spit rain when I set off from Ivy, and it was raining when I reached the girls.   They are a friendly bunch;  and they love their grub.   Today I gave them mixed salad leaves for greens ... I made sure there wasn’t lettuce in the mix;   not good for ‘girls’ is lettuce.    The biggest surprise has
This windsurfer made me feel really cold1
been watching them devour the yoghurt.    They keep producing eggs ... so far two every day bar one ... when I got three.

The attitude of the Spanish Government to Catalonia is worry-some;  but not surprising I suppose.   ‘Ruling Societies ’, both left and right, the world over are always happy with the status quo... where the system is geared to them keeping control, and becoming ever richer at the expense of the vast majority.    Just like it was before the Reformation.   Oh we have a better standard of living, but not thanks to the ‘Rulers’;   everything we’ve got, has had to be fought for .... it’s only a hundred years ago that women were being persecuted, and prosecuted,  for daring to want the vote!    Hey that was a good moan .... I enjoyed that!    I’m practicing for when I’m old!

Tomorrow we are going to have wall to wall, “bright and sunny” ... oh .... and colder.
Moonlit Elie Bay.
   I will do a washing, even though there is only going to be a light westerly breeze;   actually I might put the washing through the machine tonight ... that way it will be ready to hang out first thing.

Photographs : Top – The ‘Save Earlsferry Town Hall’ group’, are running a Coffee morning in the Ferry Hall on Saturday,  (4th November) at 10.00, ... hopefully it will be well supported, (Jimmy and I were there two weeks ago, having got the dates wrong) Middle – I was frozen standing on the pier, watching this windsurfer enjoying himself on, and in, the water, and Bottom – Moon lit Elie Bay.    

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