Overcast and windy morning ..... bonnie afternoon and evening

21st April 2017 (Friday)  .... 08.30    It’s overcast and windy this morning, but dry:    I have two jerseys out on the line, so I hope it stays that way.    The sun is
Interesting morning sky over Elie Bay.
forecast to break through later in the afternoon, so I’m feeling ‘positive’ .... and ‘friskier’ than I have done  for the past few days.  

The only ‘plan’ for today, is the  setting up of a bird bath;  “Blob” and friends need to have a bath now and again.    I have the equipment, all I need to do is fit it all together!

21.30    Mmmmm....  this has been a sort of ‘mixed up’ day for me.   For a start I didn’t get the bird bath erected:   but I did fill the bath part so the birds could have a bath, but it’s on the ground, and I don’t like that:  the problem was it began to rain so I went to Leven to do some shopping.

Evening sunlit Elie Harbour.
The ‘Food Bank’ folks were in Sainsbury’s;   I donated and ended up with two new ‘girlfriends’.   When you really think about it there’s something far wrong with our country, when some folks are relying on food donations.     I mean we can afford to fight unwinnable wars (at great cost in both money and lives), but can’t afford to take care of our own folk?  .... this is something the Government should be ashamed of.   However as long as there are folks, like my ‘new girlfriends’, caring about the less fortunate, there is hope .... and ‘love’ ... in this country;  no thanks to the Government.    Moan over .... but I feel better after that.

You will remember the jerseys I mentioned  in the first paragraph?   When I got back to
Elie Estate road.
Ivy I suddenly remembered them too, .... they were out on the line;  my two soaking jerseys, out on the line, I might add!... because they had been well soaked in the heavy shower that rattled over when I was in Leven.    I put them (the jerseys) through the spin cycle and hung them up on a ‘horse’ in the Hutte.   So all’s well that ends well.
There will be much activity at the harbour tomorrow morning;    the boats are being ‘craned in’ .... starting at 09.00(ish).      I have a suspicion that Jimmy and I will be ‘doon at the harbour’ for most of the morning.   The weather forecast is ‘mostly bright and sunny, with a light westerly wind... and slightly colder.

Photographs : Top – interesting sky, this morning, over Elie Bay, Middle – Elie harbour in evening sunlight, and Bottom – part of the Elie Estate road that I bike.

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