Butterfly House St Andrews Botanic Gardens ....

20th April 2017 (Drop in Cafe Day) .... yes .... it’s a bonnie morning, “bright and sunny” with a light westerly breeze;  definitely a morning for visiting St
Autumn Leaf butterfly.
Andrews Botanic Gardens.    There will be lot of light about, so it will be a fast shutter speed.   I’ve been up to Chapel Green on the bike, for a wee bit of pre breakfast exercise;  it is a good day for being ‘out and about’.    I’m orf to get the camera and stuff ready.... then I’ll have a cuppa.

20.30    Jim and I had a really good morning up at the “Botanic Gardens! (St Andrews);  with most of the time being spent in the ‘Butterfly House’.    It is full of mostly Southern Hemisphere butterflies.... and is cosy, being 27c.     There are coat hangers on which to hang your jackets etc.... because you are leaving a temperature of 9c to go into a hot 27c.    With it being a bright day the butterflies were all over the place, but most of them settled to feed now and again.     You had to tread carefully as they settled on the floor .... or even on ‘you’.   Jim and I
Malachite butterfly.
didn’t have that problem ... we look like newly opened flowers!    The only problem we had was the camera lens steaming up, but it did eventually reach ‘room’ temperature and we were able to get a few photographs.    We were in the ‘Butterfly House for nearly an hour, and were in much need of something to drink by the end of the hour!    There’s a ‘cafe’ place which sold, among other things, Ginger Beer;  that, the Ginger Beer, appealed to both of us,  and we sat outside in the, by now, warm sunshine enjoying a really refreshing drink  .... it was warm but not 27c warm!    We were back in ‘the Royal Burgh’ by 12.30.
We had the ‘Drop in Cafe’ this afternoon;  which was quieter than usual, but enjoyable as ever.   Lexie told me that Geordie Glen had died, (originally Colinsburgh, but moved to St Monans).   This news brought on a spell of reminiscing about the Colinsburgh
Newly hatched Owl butterfly.
‘boy’s and girls’ of the 50’s and 60’s:    ‘Tempus Fugit’.... irretrievable time right enough.

Tomorrow’s weather is forecast to be cloudy and cooler with the chance of showers, ending with a brighter afternoon/evening.    I have ‘nae plans’ for tomorrow .... apart from getting out on the bike at some point... weather permitting.

Photographs : Top – Autumn Leaf butterfly (doleshallia bisaltide) from South Asia and Australia, Middle – Malachite butterfly (siproeta stelenes) Central and South America, and Bottom – newly hatched ‘Owl Butterfly’ (caligo martia)... from the rain forests of Central/ South America and Mexico.

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