Beautiful morning .....

6th April 2017 (Thursday)   .... 09.00     It’s a stunning morning here in the
Where was the early morning golfer when I needed one?
East Neuk .... almost ‘wall to wall’ bloo sky!   Although slightly ‘stiff’ after yesterday’s efforts, I’ve been round Elie Estate and down to the harbour on the bike, ....a  nice bit of exercise to slacken off the, aforementioned, stiff muscles.

  21.00     Joyful ‘me’ ..... I have had an enjoyable ‘day’.    In point of fact I’m not sure about that;   I’ve forgotten what I did in the morning!    Oh aye .... I remember Jimmy and I went shopping to the ‘Bargain Store’ first thing :   I bought “Blob” fodder and some other bits and pieces, Jimmy bought porridge and stuff.    From there we went over to Sainsbury’s where I bought chicken for my dinner, before going upstairs for a cuppa.
When we got back to ‘the Ferry’ Jimmy went to Chapel Green for his morning walk, I fed “Blob” then put the kettle on.    I looked at the garden!    After we had a cuppa in
Wade House - Elie.
the Hutte, Jimmy went orf to see what was happening at St Monans;   I looked at the garden again .... then felt  a surge of something come over me ..... and began thinking horticultural stuff:   I wanted to do things in the garden.     This uncharacteristic thinking bothered me;  however the urge was strong, so I found the ‘graip’ (fork)and uprooted some weeds, and other things that might not have been weeds:  there are loads of everything in Ivy garden so I can afford to make a few mistakes.    I dug a hole, to plant the flower I got from Myra (and Jim) in, filled it with water (the hole), and, in nae time ... job done.    By now I’m in full flight and the weeds pile is growing rapidly:  then I noticed earth under my fingernails.    This is not good as I was going along to the ‘Drop in Cafe’ in half an hour.    Luckily I was able to remove the offending soil form under my fingernails, and had a great time at the ‘Cafe’.  

We discovered that today is Lexie’s birthday so we sang “Happy Birthday” and
The Deli site.

generally had a good time.    I can’t divulge how old Lexie is, that would be naughty;   suffice to say that Lexie and I were born in the same year 1983 ... oops I mean 1938.   I kinda get the feeling that the Hutte has just let another “Top Secret” secret, out of the bag.

It’s another early night in bed for me tonight;   all this work is making “Alberto a tired boy”.    I think that getting back on the bike is doing me a lot of good, but it will take another week or two before I really feel the benefit.    “Puku” is not liking the biking!

Photographs : Top – 17th green, Middle – ‘Wade House’ Elie,  and Bottom – loads of  activity at the ‘Elie Deli’ site.

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