Overcast but dry .....

11th April 2017 (Tuesday) .... 08.30    Mmmmm .... ... it’s overcast and breezy, with the chance of light rain now and again by the look of it, but it may
Jim and Myra.
brighten up by midday.     I haven’t got a plan for today;  if it stays dry I’ll go out to the garden and do some more tidying up.... there’s plenty to do out there.

18.30    It has been windy, and cold, all day.     Jimmy gave me a run along to Elie so that I could  post a letter at the main post box,  and  I walked home, via the beach;  the beach was not the place to be.    I met Jim and Myra out for a romantic stroll,.....  they were up on the high Street sheltered from the wind.   Jim told me that he had been tired after our day out at Loch of the Lowes.... that made two of us.

Siskins on the Niger seed feeder.
I had an appointment at the surgery this morning (blood test) and I drove along in ‘Sooper Buggy’ rather than bike.... it was so windy.   The thought of biking home in that wind, was too much;  I felt a weakness coming on.    After the blood test I went round to Jimmy’s and took him for a run in the Fiesta.... all of five metres, the distance I’d reversed it down the driveway.    We put a CD in the player thing, someone called Glen Campbell,.... jings that made a lot of noise.    We found the Volume control.    That was the excitement for the morning.     I drove back to Ivy, Jimmy went up to Chapel Green, and dropped in for a cuppa on the way home.    We discussed the
David (blue jacket) at a geo thermal site in Chile.

fact the President Trump has found his ‘toys’.... and thought about stockpiling some food.

Jimmy went off home for lunch;   I went to Leven and did a ‘shopping’ in Sainsbury’s... where I bought another box of porridge oats, this makes two I have in ‘reserve’;  a sort of mini stockpile.    I have been planning on having a baking ‘sesh;  I bought the flour, eggs etc then found an aisle with much beautiful ‘rubbage’.   I bought some.    The ‘Troops’ Jim and Jimmy will devour some of it this evening!   I bought real food too!   The baking I’ll do probably tomorrow morning if it’s still windy and cold.

22.00    Jim and Jimmy are off home after another evening of reminiscing and planning.    Tomorrow we have the Friendship Lunch in the Kirk Hall so lunch is taken care of.    It is forecast to be windier, (therefore cold), but brighter, tomorrow.... however I’ll bike along to the “Lunch”.

Photographs : Top – Jim and Myra, Middle – Siskins on the Niger seed feeder, and Bottom – David (blue jacket) at a geo- thermal site in Chile.

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