I've got a touch of 'the leth' (lethargy this morning ....

14th April 2017 (Friday) ..... 08.30    It’s overcast and cool this morning, ...
Elie Deli building site.
which is, more or less, what  the weather is going to be for the whole of the ‘Easter Weekend’.     I’m going to spend most of ‘Good Friday’ pottering about in the garden.... but I will find time to go out on the bike.    Having said all that, I’m actually feeling lethargic;  I need a cuppa.

16.30     In spite of 'the leth', my ‘day’ has been productive re the garden,....  and I managed to fit a  quick bike run up through the Estate.    On reflection it wasn’t that quick;  a couple of folk out jogging, were moving faster than I was biking;  I was glad when I saw Stuart, and was able to stop for a blether ... a good excuse to let the joggers past:     quite embarrassing really.     I’m thinking this growing older is challenging;   I might have to stop climbing trees next.   However, back at Ivy I forgot about being overtaken by the joggers and got ‘tore into’ the weeding.    I am pleasantly surprised to find that I can comfortably do ‘gardening’;  the first time in two whole years.    I’ve even been able to uproot weeds that were beginning to think they were ‘flowers’.   Flowers? .... maybe they were ‘flowers’!     It started to rain at 15.01;   I put  the kettle ‘on’ at
Elie kirk.

Jimmy went along to the Windmill to visit Chris in the afternoon;   after the spits and spots of rain, (the ‘rain’ ,never came to anything else) I sat in the Hutte with a cuppa, and did a Soduko.    I’d probably have fallen asleep but  my nose was too cold.    Had I been a dog,  I’d have been a healthy one.    I wonder if dogs feel their noses are cold?    Do dogs think ... “ OMG, my nose is hot I must have a bug”?    No probably not;   too busy looking for a butt to sniff.    When you think of it dogs have a no bad life .... apart from the butt sniffin’, rollin’ on something mingin’,  thing!    I’ve gone orf being a dog!

21.00     We end ‘Good Friday’ with a lovely evening, though rather cool in the brisk
Ivy Cottage double daffodil.
wind.    I’ve had a good day, mostly pottering in the garden..... in fact, I feel tired, though I don’t think I’ve done that much work.     Tonight I start a ‘new’ bedtime book;   a travel book about Yorkshire, written in the 1930’s.   I’ll maybe need to go down to Yorkshire to see how it has changed in the last 80 years.

Photographs : Top – Good progress being made on the Elie Deli building, Middle – Kinneuchar kirk from the south side woods, and Bottom – Ivy Cottage double daffodil.

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