Drop in Cafe ....

13th April 2017 (‘Drop in Cafe’ day .... formerly Thursday) .... 08.30    we have “cloudy with bright spells and a brisk wind” this morning;   looks like being a
Earlsferry (part of) this morning.
nice day though the wind chill factor will affect the temperature.    I’ve hung out a washing.... now I’m having a cuppa and contemplating the garden;   but I think I’ll go for a walk along the beach before I tackle something as dangerous as weeding in Ivy garden!     There are some strange looking things out there that end up in “Blob”;   he eats anything that moves. 

 22.30     When I checked the tide tables and found that low tide was around about 10.30 this morning I decided to go down to the beach:   the top of the former sewage pipe looked inviting, so I went out to the end of that and pottered about on the wee beaches.    It was a really lovely morning by this time, and it didn’t feel cold.   When I’m out on lonely beaches I ‘sing’
The Ferry beach.
away to myself, and this morning I was givin’ “Nicky Tams” laldie, when I thought I heard voices!    To my horror I had heard voices;  the seaweed gatherers were ‘gathering’ seaweed’ ... (what else).... about 50 metres away, on the other side of the skellie.    Luckily for them the wind was blowing towards me and they wouldn’t have heard me;   I think!    Anyway I didn’t take any chances, I stopped ‘singing’, ‘took’ a few photographs, then, quietly wandered back, along the top of the pipe to the beach.    From the beach I saw Jimmy sitting on ‘the Boss’s’ seat;  stuck m y arms out and hoped I looked like the letter ‘T’;  this was my way of letting him know that I was going to put on the kettle.

After Jimmy left to go to the Harbour I set about re-locating some more Ivy weeds;  “Blob” was in close attendance mopping up anything that moved or wriggled.
In the afternoon I biked along to the ‘Drop in Cafe’ ... which was quiet, until a whole
Elie this afternoon.
‘table full’ of visitors appeared:   this was just as Jimmy and I were leaving to go down to the harbour, so I didn't find out where they came from.

The History Society had Edwina (Proudfoot) giving a presentation about some of the East Neuk Churches...  our local church at Elie being the main topic.   With Edwina being quiet spoken I had to ‘lip read’ as best as I could... which wasn’t very much.    I think I need a hearing aid.   Luckily I had helped  to ‘record’ Elie Kirk so knew what Edwina was talking about.

Photographs : Top and Middle – Earlsferry beach this morning, and Bottom -  Elie this afternoon.

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