Quiet morning....

 9th January 2024 (Tuesday)    07.30 .... the sky is overcast with an Easterly breeze; and it's cold

with some wind chill.... that was at 'Blob's breakfast time.  I've had my breakfast.... and now going to have another cuppa.

19.30    Welll this has been one busy day;  I didn't even have time for an afternoon nap!    At the end of this busy day I've had a bone scan at 'The Vic' (Kirkcaldy).  It's a long day because you have an injection three hours before the scan.   The scan itself only takes 20 minutes so you have to fill in the time between.   Luckily Alice and Izzy took me to 'The Vic' then Izzy drove us to a Cafe here we had morrrrrrrning coffee: I had to consume1 litre of water;  plus I had three cups o' tea;  before the scan.   We then went back to the hospital for the scan.   After that was done and dusted, we went to 'Rejects' Restaurant for something to eat.   A big 'Thank You' to Alan, who picked Alice and I up from the Alice HQ and delivered us to Izzy, who then took us on to Kirkcaldy.   It has been a long and tiring day and I'm glad it's over.   I suspect that tomorrow might be a rest day!

Hastings beach - Sussex.

I didn't take any photographs today; but I'll dig one or two from the 'Alberto Archive' to brighten the page up.   It has been a bonnie enough day as far as the weather went.... and we had a 'ted sky at night' so tomorrow should be a bonnie. if slightly cold , day.

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