
18th January 2024 (Thursday)   08.00.... It was cauld on the hands when feeding 'Blob' and his

pals this morning;   and, although it's going to be a bright and sunny, it's never going to be very warm.  It's a day for staying in and warm.   I'm going to Leven (and Methil) today, then will settle down to do 'ousework and computer stuff;  I'm beginning to see light at the end of this project tunnel. at last.   Thankfully the weather is forecast to turn warmer, but windier, over the weekend.  Oops I sneezed... and sneezed again!    I need another cuppa.

19.30   It has been a bonnie day in spite of it being old (the frost never lifted in the shade).... and even the roof of the shed, in the garden next door to Alice's,  was covered in frost in the middle of the day.   I think it was colder in Methil than it was at 'The Ferry!    Alice's Scotch Broth was excellent, and  I have got the 'crock pot' out to make soup for the freezer tomorrow.

Katherine Villa appears to be 'no more';  the crane that was brought in to finish off the job is moored up in the gap where the house was tonight.   I'll go down there tomorrow morrrrrrning and take a few photos.... weather permitting.   I think the air should be slightly warmer tomorrow with milder air (and wilder) air coming in from the Atlantic.

22.30    The snowdrops are going to be flowering soon;  I can already see the little clump, at the front door, ready to burst open to brighten my day with thoughts of Spring!   I'll be loupin' aboot like a Spring lamb next.    I think I'll have a slow daunder to the beach tomorrow, and come up by Ferry Wynd to take photos of the Katherine Villa space;  I'm hoping it isn't frosty tomorrow morning.                                                                                        

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