Cooler ....

30th January 2024 (Tuesday)    08.00 ....It's a lovely morning and will be even bonnier once the

sun rises (08.12), but the air is cool with a touch of frost and wind should be a perfect drying day, so I have a washing going through.  Tomorrow is not going to be a drying day..... which I why I'm taking advantage of today!   The 'plan' is to have a birl roond the villages; if it isn't too cold I'd like to get the bike out, but I think it will probably have to be be in the car.   The whole of the UK is in a cool air flow.... even Sunny Sussex.

11.30     I've been up to Colinsburgh (via Kinneuchar) to fuel up the car so it can be done.... but the 200 metres or so between the Ferry Road junction (with the A917) to the Kinneuchar junction is part of the work site, so you have to drive carefully, because you can meet workmen on foot, or work vehicles.   The work store containers etc. are on the roadside immediately to the West of the Kinneuchar junction.  As long as we drive with consideration we may be allowed to continue to use this 'short cut' to Kinneuchar etc.  The official diversion to Leven and the West is via St Monans,  joining the B942 at the 'Y' junction quarter of a mile this side (West) of Pittenweem.   That's the way I'll go to Leven on Thursday; to measure the length of the diversion.   I've biked it loads o' times.

It's a lovely day now, but now a particularly good drying one;  there's hardly and wind.   I moan when the wind is blowin', now I'm moanin' because there's nae wind.   I'm practising for when I'm 'old!   I did my first bit of 'maintenance' on 'Sooper Buggy IV' .... I topped up the squirters!

18.30   The sun makes a massive difference to my activity levels;  that said, I have been a couple of degrees under for the past few days and not in a very active mood.   Anyway the sun day has been a boost;  unfortunately it all falls apart tomorrow and we're in for yet more wind and rain.    It will be a good day for the computer.  T
he washing I hung out this morning wasn't completely dry after being out most of the day;  it hasn't been the best of drying days.    However I'll iron it and hang it on the clothes horse.

I had a run up to Elie for the paper, and down to the harbour to see that has been happening.   Not very much at this time of year... apart Tom checking 'Breadwinner'.   I met Jock who had been out for his morning stroll;  we discussed our ailments and how lucky Honor was to have met, and married, 'Her lovely John'.   John (sometimes 'Jock' was in a hurry to go home and make Honor's lunch.   Honor is just so lucky having Jock spoiling her.   I went home and had my lunch.

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