Bonnie morrrrrrrrrrrrning....

2nd January 2024 (Tuesday)    09.15 .... my word... I didn't get out of bed until 07.45.... that's a

proper 'sleep in' for me:  Anyway I'm vertical, and 'Blob' had had his morning snack;  on what is a bonnie morning, after a a fair amount of overnight rain by the look of things.   I've showered and had breakfast now I'd better switch into 'slight flap on' and get the kettle 'on'..... again.

18.30    'Meals on Wheels'.... (Alice and Izzy) arrived as planned.  Izzy transformed the 'man cave kitchen' and produced a three course meal, that brought the Festive Season to a very tasty end.   I didn't hear the girls coming in (note to me.... remember to get batteries for the door bell).  Izzy brought everything (except Alice) in a hamper.... Of course it was a three way effort;   Izzy produced the food then the three of us ate it.  Thanks girls.... I really enjoyed both food and company xx.

22.30     'Mr Bates v The Post Office' series (4 episodes) is one of the most interesting television programmes I have ever watched.   I'm looking forward to episode 3 tomorrow evening.... and I am not a great fan of the TV;  television, like the computer, are great inventions being misused.  

I've had a great day;  the perfect way to end the festive season: and .... there's only 357 days till next Christmas;  add on another 7 or 8 and we'll be we celebrating the end of the next Festive season.  Happy days.   Yes I did enjoy today.

Tomorrow I start my 'plan' system for the year;  tomorrow is going to be another 'rest' day... mostly working on the computer with the odd flurry of activity when I put the kettle on. 

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