Windy and warm ....

7th December 2023 (Thursday)    09.00.... There's a fresh southeasterly with  occasional rain blowing

through, but the air is much warmer than we've had lately:  'heavy rain and strong winds' is the weather forecast for KY9 (there's a Yellow Warning for rain) to be with us most of the day, but the wind should begin to moderate in the afternoon.  This is definitely the 7th and Myra's birthday:  and 'Team' lunch at the 19th.   I had a 'trial' walk up to the 19th yesterday!

The workmen are busy in the back garden installing a drain;  in the digging process they unearthed the bottom of the wall that Maggie and I found many years ago.... we don't know what the building was but it had a lum on the north gable.   An ancient place is the 'Royal Burgh'.... with a lot of history.

15.30   As ever we enjoyed good food, company and natter at the 19th Hole but the pub was quiet.   Not surprising when we came out and into the heavy rain  that had moved in ... as per forecast.   Luckily I'd anticipated the rain coming and had gone round to the 19th in the car.   I gave Myra a run
Sail to May Island 2009.

home, but she must have got  wet on the way down to No 3 because the rain was lashing down by this time.   I didn't realise just how wild and wet it was until I got back to Ivy.   I am now ensconced in Ivy, with the heating turned up, for the remainder of the evening.   Unfortunately tomorrow is going to be another wet day if the forecasters have got it right...'light rain with moderate breeze' being the latest weather forecast.

18.00   For some unknown reason (I'll have hit a wrong button somewhere) the text is now grey; I'll change it tomorrow;  once I find out where to do that.   It's still damp outside... in fact its lashin' doon.   I'll put the bucket out first thing in the morning!
Newark Castle.

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