Feeling content ....

8th December 2023 (Friday)     08.30.... The wind has dropped, the rain has stopped ... and it's

warm.   Everything is still wet after yesterdays deluge, but it's pleasant just now:  However light rain is forecast for the afternoon so todays weather is, more or less, going to be a milder version of yesterday's.  I'm looking forward to Emily and John dropping by for a cuppa and blether in the afternoon.

12.00   I popped up to Elie to get the paper and milk;   then onto the baker's to get bread an scones.  It was spittin' rain but it never came to anything.... not yet anyway.   I see the scaffolding going up at Cameron's hoose (Katherine Villa) so that another piece of action to be recorded in the fast changing  'Royal Burgh'.   'Change' happens all the time;  (lets face it we used to live in caves) it's only now, when there seems to be so much more of it.... and so fast... that it has, to me, become more noticeable.    It has me thinking of the Ferry of yesteryear; the shops and businesses... and the folk that used to live here.   It could be just be me growing older.

18.30   Emily and John arrived (having taken a detour via Cupar) bearing gifts....steak pies and Fudge doughnuts;  our lunch.  It was great seeing them and catching up with their news.  Em is looking well (I think blooming is the word); 'the bump' is active and getting ready to excite us with his arrival.   And excite us he will.   Emily and John had a wander to the beach, but it wasn't really a day for the beach so they didn't stay out long.   I washed the dishes.  They left, just before darkenin', for Kirkcaldy where they are staying the night with friends. 

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