Damp .....

9th December 2023 (Saturday)   08.30 .... I saw a bit of 'bloo' sky a few minutes ago and it got

me thinkin' o' sunny spells;  but it was only a glimpse and we have an overcast sky with the promise of rain, with heavy rain in the afternoon.   It is not the most cheerful looking morning now... but it isn't actually raining.   I'm going to Leven to do some shopping and have morrrrrrrrrrrrning coffee with Alice;  and when I get back to Ivy the 'plan' is to write Christmas cards and get that job done and dusted by the end of this week.   Having seen the weather forecast for the next few days it's going to be good weather for writing and drawing, most of the time.

20.00    My word this has been a damp old day;  and it' still raining.    I enjoyed the retail therapy in Leven  and the coffee and lunch at Alice's afterwards.   We went to the shops early and were happy to find them quiet; however the car park, at Sainsbury's, was busy when we left so the shop s would be really busy by midday.   I have to be honest I think Christmas, as is practiced nowadays is all about selling stuff:  but that's how thing are. They've taken the 'Christ' out of Christmas.   It must be hard for young folks with bairns that can't afford the 'present' day Christmas.  

The roads were extremely wet but most drives were driving with care; the roads look pothole free when they (the holes) are full of water....so very dangerous to the unwary.   Most potholes have some rubble lying beside them which is the only sign of anything amiss on wet days.   I think the car is moored up for the weekend now;  tomorrow is going to be another mixed weather day... with rain included in the mix.

I watched Shane McGowan's funeral service yesterday and found it one of the most moving and interesting live broadcasts I have ever seen.   It was 'different', with real people saying 'goodbye' to someone they loved';  even the solemn bits were interesting.  

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