
4th December 2023 (Monday)    08.00.... 'Light rain showers and a fresh breeze' is our weather

1968 Saab.

forecast today;  however, I wouldn't call the shower that just passed over 'light', but at least it isn't frosty, and the local pavements though wet, aren't slippery.... in fact its warm compared with the past week.  The sky is full of clouds, scuttling over from the ESE, so showers could be frequent;  actually it looks like there's been a few heavy showers recently, going by the amount of water running down the road.   I'm vertical and feeling reasonably frisky;  how\ever, I'm not sure what kind o' day it is for me, but it's not a 'play day'.  A few of the Fife Weather cams show promising signs so we could have a drier afternoon;  we won't need he sun cream but we could have shorrrrrrt 'sunny spells'.   I'm (almost) a happy 'boy'.  

18.30   'Sunny spells'?.... I don't thin we had one!   We did have some patches of 'bloo' sky rattling over but he sunny spell was somewhere else.   The 'showers'  amalgamated into one, seriously long shower, after lunchtime and it has been dreich ever since.  With the weather being iffy I decided to nip along to

Methil to visit Alice;  we've got things to do this week  and this is the only day we are both free.  The roads were busy, and wet but not flooded.  Of course the potholes were full of water so you have to be extra vigilant and careful.   Fife drivers hug the line in the middle of the road: Even in 'Sunny Sussex' you meet drivers that have driven on our roads.

Back at Ivy the workmen were busy barrowing in the bottoming for the back garden;  I couldn't get a photograph because of the rain.

22.00   It has been a wet evening but the rain should begin to clear away by morning;  tomorrow we're to have light rain with sunny intervals.  It's going to be a working day for me;  got to do some 'ousework before Christmas.

The  Rural Developments team have been busy sorting out the back garden... I'm hoping to get a photograph of the action tomorrow.   It was too wet to go out with the camera this afternoon.

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