Lovely morning ....

9th December 2022 (Friday)     10.30 .... welll... for the first time in  almost

two weeks I’ve managed to go to the beach;  I’m not quite ‘bright eyed and bushy tailed’ but I am feeling beginning to feel mair playful.   I enjoyed the fresh beach air.... and chatting to Andrew who was out with the dog;  and I got some bonnie sunrise time photographs to play with.   Oh.... it’s a lovely morning and not quite as cold as it has been, though there was a light touch of early morning frost.   I think I’ll put the kettle ‘on’.

16.00    It has been a ‘bright and sunny day’ (and slightly cold) and I have enjoyed it.    I wouldn’t say that I was ‘100%  bright eyed and bushy tailed’, but  I am feeling more positive and playful.    After an early morning coffee I went up to the ‘Paper Shop’, and instead of going to the harbour I went to ‘The Store’ to top up with vital necessities for the weekend:  In other words...things I forgot to get the other day.   Apart from having to negotiate the tank trap style potholes , across the road at St Monans, I enjoyed the journey.   

I don’t remember that last time I met someone I knew in ‘The Store’; but, both the shop and the car park were busy:  It was almost like being in Tesco’s car park in Uckfield.   That reminds me; Sunny Sussex is going to have a harder frost than us tonight:  we’re forecast to be -2C.... Sunny Sussex -5C.

18.15     Well... I’ve had a better an enjoyable day, but not yet feeling clear of this ‘under the weather’ feeling.    Tomorrow’s ‘plan’ is to try to get back into my normal routine by going to the beach at sunrise time.   This depends on the weather:   the forecast for KY9 is.... (25 minute pause) .... is ....“sleet showers and a moderate breeze”.   I’m not keen on the sleet showers, but like the clouds; as long as they are somewhere else...but within range of the camera.

I forgot about the Royal Mail being on strike;  this means my SSAFA Christmas cards

will arrive ‘sometime’ soon.   I’ll write the ones for posting and get them away at the weekend.


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