Frosty .....

27th December 2022 (Tuesday)     07.30 .... There’s a touch of frost this

Taken in August 2002

morning... and the weather forecast is  ‘sleet showers with a fresh breeze’:  A cool start to the day but the sun should get us above freezing when it appears (08.44).    I might go to the beach to catch the sunrise;  it all depends on the sleet showers mentioned in the forecast.   They might  will miss us, but we should see some bonnie clouds over the day.

08.45    The sky has closed in, so it's doubtful if sunrise will be visible;  however I’ll check in a few minutes when I go to put the kettle on:  Having just finished making up the bed in the front room, a celebratory mug of  coffee is well in order.

11.45    Up till now the sun has been ‘noticeable’ because it’s no’ there;  and ....clouds?.... we have one big cloud  and we’re in the middle o’ it most of the time with regular spells of sleet/rain.   It is not bonnie out; we want sunny spells.  

With the weather being dreich, I decided to go shopping;  because Emily and John are coming tomorrow.   The original plan was to go to ‘The Store (Ainster) but I remembered reading somewhere that the road from Balchrystie to Upper Largo, Leven and beyond, was open again;  having been closed for five (or was it six?) weeks for resurfacing.   Anyway there’s a bonnie, fresh road surface, ready for some utility coming to dig it up.   And, just to remind ‘us’ of Fife’s position in the pothole league (if there is one, I imagine they must be in the top half) there’s a pothole, about 10 metres after you leave the new surface, at the Upper Largo end.

20.30   When I’d got all the shopping into the car boot at Sainsbury’s I went to leave the trolley in one of the Trolley Bays.... but couldn’t get the £1 coin out.   I had been fechtin’ wi the trolley for a few minutes and had decided to give up, when two ladies (slightly younger than me) appeared with their trolley’s.  I told them what the problem was... one of the girls said “let’s have go”;  gave the chain thing a thump and handed me the £1 coin.   I suddenly felt older... but I have two new ‘girlfriends’.     

That got me to thinking of when I was young(er).    When I was  a teenager I thought

someone of my age now (84) was ‘ancient’;  not so. I’ve got grey hair, and I’m considerably slower (especially since having COVID), my heid is fu o’ stuff that’s well past it’s ‘Use By’ date, but ....I’m happy.

I’m nearly organised for Em and John tomorrow;  just got a downie to put into its cover;  not my favourite job.

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