Damp morning ....

25th December 2022 (Sunday)     07.30 .... I’ll begin by wishing everyone

a “Merry Christmas” on what is a warm, with a fresh breeze, Christmas morning in Elie and Earlsferry.    Sunrise is at 08.44 when I plan to go to the beach; but that depends on how ‘fresh’ the wind is.   Emily has organised a Skype call for 11.00.... which fits it nicely with morning coffee ... and maybe even a  Christmas ‘goodie’. 

08.00    Oops!.... It was ‘warm and dry’ earlier;  now it’s wet and not very  warm.   It’s raining so I won’t be going to the beach at sunrise time.  The kettle needs to be switched ‘on’.

09.15    The rain has moved away and sky is starting to break up so we will have my favourite kind of weather soon.... ‘sunny spells’.   Strange ...there must be something in the air because my breathing is bad this morning;  it was fine earlier.   It will pass and I’ll go to the beach later.

21.00    Ye Gods;   I went out to shut the gate and discovered that it was raining ... and then some;  the water is runnin down the road like a burn.   Light rain is mentioned in the weather forecast not ‘heavy rain’.    Anyway it’s wet out there .... and the gate is not shut.  ‘Sunny with a fresh breeze’ is the forecast for tomorrow!    I look forward to that.... I might try a turn round ‘The Ferry’ on the bike if it isn’t too cold.   I’ve still got a bit of  a sore throat.

My attempt at making a Christmas Lunch was a success.    Nothing like it would have been up at Jackie and Iain’s but definitely edible.  The only think I couldn’t do was pull a cracker properly so I didn’t have a paper hat .... but I have crackers for next year.  And tomorrow’s lunch is taken care of.... chicken again.

Emily organised Skype and that went perfectly;  we had Emily and John, Janice and Michael, ‘JB’ and me all chatting.   I didn’t know the ‘rools’ at first but sort of got the hang of when not to talk.  That’s a first for me.   ‘Santa’ (bless his furry edged red coat and black wellies), has been a clever boy and I am well able to stay warm for the remainder of this winter.... and the next.   I am a happy boy.


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