Overcast with light drizzle .....

5th May 2022 (Thursday)     06.15 .... I got ‘up’ early as per plan; there’s no


pollen, no pollution and no breathing problems.... but there is light drizzle so no biking.   "The best laid schemes o’ mice, men and Alberto gang aft agley" right enough.   I’m having a cuppa then I’ll loup intae the car and go for the paper.   Hopefully the dampness will move away and I’ll chance the bike later.

21.30    The postie delivered the book I ordered 48 hours ago this morning;   the service is amazing.    I order the book, you get an e-mail to say that your order has been placed.... and the next you hear from them is when the postie delivers the book.... usually two days later.   And that’s it.   Nae follow up e-mails etc.   It’s just like going into a shop.   I’m a happy bunny.

This has been the busiest day I’ve had since having a virus.   I enjoyed working in the kitchen, making mince and tautties for the first time in five weeks.... and went for the longest run on the bike since the Breakwater setback.    It’s like recovering from a funny ‘flu.   Anyway enough o’ that.... I’m beginning to feel ‘normal’ though I am shattered tonight.   Tomorrow is going to be a ‘rest day’.

My trip on the bike was up to and around Kinneuchar, through Elie Estate then home by Elie;  with numerous stops to exercise the camera button finger on the way round.   It was a beautiful afternoon;  yes, it was a bit breezy but it wasn’t cold and I had no problem with pollen ... due to the earlier dampness.... though the traffic on the road was busier than I’d hoped for.

Although there was light drizzle when I was at the harbour (Menzies van was at the paper shop so I didn’t stop to pick up the paper) there was a nice light about and I got some bonnie (what I think are bonnie) photos of the boats;  and a decent one of the Shelduck showing the difference between the male and female.

Tomorrow looks like being a good ‘drying day.... ‘sunny intervals with a moderate

breeze’.    I don’t have that much to wash but I’ll do it and get it out on the line early’   I’ll also go for the paper on the bike as looks like being dry all day.... including ‘silly time’.

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