Cloudy but warm ....

2nd May 2022 (Monday)    06.30 ....I’d like to say it was ‘bright and sunny’....

but it isn’t;  it’s actually overcast and warm-ish with a light breeze....which is good, but ‘bright and sunny and warm’ was what I had been dreaming about.... however, brighter bits in the general greyness would cheer things up.  Light showers could ‘drop in’ later.  I’ll bumble down to the harbour after another cuppa.

07.00    The wind has freshened since I first looked out an hour ago.... and backed to the SSE (it was SW earlier);  we now have frisky breeze....and it’s ‘not warm-ish’.   The ‘bumble to the harbour plan’ is on hold  and a computer day, with numerous cuppas, more appealing.

11.30   We have light drizzle now so it’s definitely a drawing/computer day;  not a day for bumbling to the harbour.   Not on the bike anyway;  but I might take a turn down there later in the afternoon in the car.  In the meantime I’m going back to the drawing board(s).... and yet another cuppa.

18.30    It has been a dreich kind o’ day.... but that didn’t stop me enjoying myself.   I never went out on the bike.... in fact I didn’t go out in the car, but for some reason I felt ‘positive’ and got on with the drawing while watching the snooker final.   I suppose I’d have to admit that I’ve had a ‘lazy’ day physically, but I’ll make up for that on Wednesday;  tomorrow is going to be much like today, as far as weather goes; according to the forecasters.    Wednesday should bring sunny spells and a change in wind direction for a few days. 

20.30   The workmen have been dismantling the Wedding marquee it’s all

quiet until HM’s Jubilee Celebrations which will be the next ‘event’ in the villages....and there’s a lot being planned for that day.   I’ll have to tidy up Ivy before then.

I get the result of my Blood Test tomorrow;  then I have a phone appointment with my Asthma Nurse (Gill) on the 10th.   It’s the asthma that has been bothering me most (not today strangely enough) and the breathing exercises do seem to be helping.

‘No plan’ for tomorrow... other that drawing/ computer: and staying in for the phone appointment at 09.40.  I have bits of paper placed at strategic places; front of computer inside front door etc. so I shouldn’t be diverted.   Even if the sun is shining!

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