Damp and windy ....


16th May 2022 (Monday)     08.00 ....although damp and windy it’s warm (ish),

and we do have paler bits in the general greyness.... so...bring on the sunny spells.  Actually there’s no dust in the air so it would be a good day for the bike;  however the reality is that today is going to be a “clean the inside of the windows (maybe), work on the computer and draw” day.   It’s breakfast time. 

10.30   My new Gas direct Debit bill (monthly) went up from £66.00 to £92, and the electricity up to £52, on 1st May.  By becoming poorer I’m doing my bit at widening the gap between rich and poor;  and supporting  profiteering.   All the extra money we're paying is going into someone's pocket.   Actually I don’t feel particularly happy aboot that .... but that’s the way it has to be.  Next winter is going to be a cauld one: in the meantime I’m orf to put the kettle ‘on’.

16.00    I found a couple of good to watch on the tele after lunch;  the ‘Red Arrows’ and Glasgow Central Station.    I managed to miss the end of one and the beginning of the next, but enjoyed a catnap the rest of the time.   It has been a good afternoon for watching tele (and sleeping);  I’m all fired up now.... and it’s raining.

21.30   Well.... it has been a dreich day;  but I have been busy on the computer.   I’m puzzled by the ruin of the old wall in the Kinneuchar cemetery.   It’s a well built wall done by skilled stonemasons probably in the 15th century, and part of a substantial building.  The kirk that J. Sime sketched in 1818 was a mixed up ‘mess’.   I know that after the Reformation old churches were ‘cleansed’... and I suspect that is what happened at Kinneuchar.   The original pre Reformation building would at least have

Remains of 'old kirk'.

been rectangular, perhaps even cruciform, with a chancel at the East end.   Post Reformations additions would change the ‘shape of the original church into a shape more acceptable to the new Church of Scotland ideals.   This can be seen from J. Sime’s sketches. 

The rain stopped about 18.00 and we are forecast to have a cloudy but dry day tomorrow.   Wednesday will be a get out on the bike day;  and I’ll going to Kinneuchar.   I need to have a closer look at the original wall.

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