St Patrick's Day .....

17th March 2022 (Thursday).    Happy “St Patrick’s Day” my Irish friends all over the world.

07.00 .... I’ve done the washing and will hang it out after this update.    It’s a bonnie

enough morning but I’m now thinking that I’d have been better to leave the washing until tomorrow;  there are strong winds forecast for around midday today.   A bit of wind makes a good drying day.  

20.00    I’ve had a reasonably active day;  I went out on the bike after breakfast, but only as far as Elie, then up the Elie road and down the Ferry road to flatten the bike battery.   I want a fully charged battery for tomorrow....which is going to be a bonnie day;  and not as windy as it was today.   

I’ve had a funny kind o’ day;  I never got really fired up until mid afternoon.   Oh I went out and did stuff but felt lethargic.    Anyway, after falling asleep in front of the tele in the middle of the afternoon I woke up feeling great.  That was after I’d been to Leven to do some shopping.   I had intended going to ‘The Store’ in Ainster, then remembered it was the time when the Waid pupils are out for lunch and many of them go ‘The Store’ to buy their midday snack.   It’s not that I mind mixing with the pupils;  but they remind me of how long ago it is since I wore the Waid uniform!

I’ve taken to watching ‘New Tricks’ on the tele and that starts at 21.10.... ending at 22.30.   Sometimes it’s later so I’ve been going to bed later than I normally would;  that’s maybe why I was so lethargic today.    I'll make the chocolate then settle down to enjoy a relaxing hour and a half.

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